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Date: 17 Mar 2021, Entry id: 1615955761-1

Golden Loquat - the symbol of Prosperity

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...The Loquat is a wonderful tree, ideally suited to small gardens thanks to its compact growth habit. The plant is very fast growing, drought tolarant, and cold-tolerant to mild frost. It is an ideal fruit tree for the beginner...
...The flavor is a mixture of peach, citrus and a mild mango...
...In China, the Loquat because of its golden color, represents gold and wealth. It is often one in a bowl or composite of fruits and vegetables to represent auspicious wishes or the "Five Prosperities" or wurui...


Chinese believe that planting a Golden Loquat Tree will bring you prosperity and wealth. Growing a Loquat is like growing your own Money tree!