A: This is indeed a very good question, as many tropical plant collectors grow their treasures
outside the tropics. The short answer is - yes! You can start filling your tropical sunroom any time of the year, but some plants
are easier to deal with in Winter than others. Below are some guidelines.

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis.
1. Plants that prefer Winter shipping to avoid overheating stress:
- All plants with lush foliage such as Philodendrons, Medinilla
- Trees with fine feathery leaves such as Moringa, Jacaranda, Poinciana
- Some fruit trees sensitive to overheating during shipping: Papaya, Stawberry Tree, Starfruit (Carambola), Bilimbi.
2. Subtropical plants that are relatively cold hardy
- Fruit trees:
Loquats, Olives, Avocados, Tropical Cherries: Eugenia, Malpighia, Noni (more cold
hardy than you may think),
- Flowering trees: Champaka, Tabebuia.
- All Bananas
- see all relatively cold hardy
3. Winter-dormant and/or deciduous plants: Adeniums, Plumerias, Gingers, Sugar Apple
, Peaches and
Plums, June Plum and Hog Plum.
See all deciduous/winter dormant plants.
4. Orchids,
Ground Orchids.
5. Winter flowers. Keep in mind that many tropical plants are
winter bloomers, and their flowering is most profuse in Winter months, so you
can enjoy the blooms right away:
Gloxinia, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Tibouchina, Barleria, Leonotis, Clerodendrums, Chinese Hat (Holmskioldia).
See all Winter bloomers.

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Clerodendrum minahasse, Variegated Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia fruticosa
6. Winter plant care. During Winter the daylight is shorter and temperatures are
- Reduce watering
- Use only liquid amino-acid based fertilizer Sunshine Boosters (safe to use year around)
- Monitor insects.
7. Shipping in Winter. We ship year around. However, if it gets
below freezing in your area, you may use FedEx Hold location, they are temperature controlled so you don't have
to worry about a box being dropped off at your cold porch outside.
8. A note for mild climate residents. Most tropical plants can be
planted in the ground year around. Some ultra-tropical tender species such
Chocolate tree, Ylang Ylang, or small size Mango trees can be grown in pots until Spring and planted out once
chances of cold spell are gone. Until then, they can be moved indoors for cold
Think outside the box and bring tropical paradise indoors during the
time when we need warmth the most! Tropical plants will brighten your short winter days and help you to have truly HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Gloxinia,
Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons...