🌈 Brugmansia suaveolens - Angel Trumpet - one of the most popular favorites for Southern gardens. Small tree or bush with trumpet-like fragrant flowers that change color from white (bud) through yellow to pink (mature). Fast growing and easy to grow.
🌈 Brugmansia suaveolens - Angel Trumpet - one of the most popular favorites for Southern gardens. Small tree or bush with trumpet-like fragrant flowers that change color from white (bud) through yellow to pink (mature). Fast growing and easy to grow.
Flower of Angels that every gardener wants: Angels Trumpet
Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) pink
Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) white
Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) peach
Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) yellow
Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) pink
Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) white
👼 Flower of Angels that every gardener wants: Angel's Trumpet.
🎺 Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) is one of the most wanted flowering shrubs in Southern landscapes.
🎺 It is known for its large, trumpet-shaped flowers that hang downward from the branches.
🎺 The flowers come in a range of colors🌈 including white, yellow, pink, orange, and emit a sweet, intoxicating fragrance, especially in the evening.
🎺 Very easy to grow and undemanding, this fast growing shrub or a small tree will fill your garden with happiness, blooms and fragrance just within one season.
🎺 Heavy feeder! Apply fertilizer on a monthly basis for rapid growth and free flowering.
Datura: a fragrant treat for tropical or indoor
Q: A few years ago I purchased Datura from you and it was doing well. As a matter of fact I took
cuttings and propagated new plants. Now they have markings on the leaves and I do
not know what it is. Any remedy?
A: Generally, Datura is a bi-annual plant, unlike its close
relative perennial Brugmansia that grows for many years. Which means, Datura is
short-lived (2-3 years maximum for the same plant) although it seeds easily and
is a very fast grower, reaching from seedling to 4-5 ft size in a matter of
couple months.
At this time of the year, markings on the leaves may be a result of normal
aging (the plant may already exhausted its natural cycle) in combination with
a cool weather that affects the leaves and overall look.
Here at Top Tropicals we especially love this plant and keep up with
propagating new plants every few months. Propagation may be by means of seeds or
cuttings, but seeds are always better for stronger, longer-lasting Datura
specimens. A lot of times you will notice little baby seedlings around the Mother
plant, even if you think all seeds has been harvested.
Just continue growing younger plants from seeds, and Datura will always be
with you in your garden to bring you joy of showy scented flowers. It makes a
great houseplant too!
Q: I purchased an Angel trumpet in March, 2018. It wasn't looking
very good so I asked what to do about it. Your reply was to fertilize and
keep it watered. I did & it started to improve. I went on vacation & it
reverted, dropping leaves... How do I keep it happy?
A: With growing Angel Trumpets in Florida, there are a few things
that may go wrong, although in general Brugmansia is a vigorous rapid grower. Once the plant is established,
it is very easy to grow. Looks like your plant had some troubles at the start
and is still struggling. Dropping leaves could be a sign of a root problem.
These are the main important points for Brugmansia growing:
Must be planted in a high spot, using very well-drained soil.
Brugmansias do not like soggy conditions (happens with Florida summer). They like
water, but only as long as drainage is good.
Full sun is a must for a healthy plant.
Brugmansias are heavy feeders. Fertilize at least once a month once
the plant is established:
The bottom line is, do not overwater but don't let it dry out. It's
rainy season now, maybe too much rain affecting the plant.
Try these Sunshine Boosters, they have amazing results and often help
us to bring stressed and weak plants back to life:
SUNSHINE-Power - plant booster
SUNSHINE-E - plant booster
Q: Would you please help me select the right jasmine? I want to
find a jasmine that smells like lily of the valley or honeysuckle or roses,
not the one that smells like gardenia. I'm in Missouri, zone 6, so I want a
jasmine for my deck for the summer, so I want it to bloom this season.
A: There are 3 major types of tropical flower fragrances - Sweet,
Fresh, and Fruity (including Lemony). Below are the most interesting
fragrant tropical flowers, excluding Gardenias (which are sweet type). These are all
same-year bloomers, so you can enjoy the fragrance this year assuming proper
care and bloom booster feeding.
* - The fastest growers that can be treated as annuals. Others can be
grown in a pot and brought inside for winter, and be enjoyed every year.
Q: Can you please tell me which zones are the best for growing
Angel Trumpets? When do they bloom and is there a specific fertilizer to use on
Do you sell any variegated varieties?
A: If you are lucky enough to live in an area that doesn’t
freeze or only has light frosts, you can grow Brugmansia (common name Angel Trumpet) outside all year long. They are
only entirely hardy in USDA zones 9-12, but they remain very popular
throughout the United States. They do really well in coastal settings in the
Southwest. They are simply glorious in the coastal areas of South California. In the
southwestern states, as well as in the tropics, they bloom spectacularly
throughout the spring, summer, and autumn.
Angel Trumpets are very heavy feeders and they need huge amounts of
nitrogen. You can use a standard balanced slow-release fertilizer on Brugmansia,
but then you must apply it very generously. We've created a specialized
fertilizer just for them. Angel Trumpet Delight is a perfect Brugmansia food for frequent monthly
feed. It's a 30-day Smart-Release formula that works wonders for Angel
Trumpets. A a well-balanced combination of macro- and micro- nutrients with a slow
release action, it provides continuous feed, maintains vigor and disease
resistance. It also contains coated nitrogen, early release nutrients and extra
iron (water soluble and chelated) for quick green-up.
Angel Trumpets come in a dazzling array of colors: orange, yellow,
green, white, pink, red, emerald and even purple (closely related Datura). One of our favorites is the beautiful Variegated Orange Angel Trumpet, a new hybrid with variegated leaves
and a large single bloom that starts white and turns orange. Another amazing
variety is "Sun Explosion" - with a variegated orange flower.
Most folks are usually in awe of the enormous trumpet flowers when they
see it for the
very first time. They most definitely need to be planted where they can be
admired… near a deck, terrace, lanai or, entryway. The blossoms are
short-lived, but numerous, continuous, and truly show-stopping! And they smell so
good! This is a must have in any tropical garden. They can be grown either as a
bush or a small tree. They are easy peasy to grow and root extremely easily,
making them great as pass-along gifts for friends. They are sun-loving and
super fast-growing plants. Plenty of water and fertilizers keep them happy and
at their best. Did I mention they smell good too? ;)
How to make the whole garden fragrant.
List of the most fragrant yet easy to grow plants
Q: Dear toptropicals, thanks for the great database on tropicals
plants! I really enjoy browsing your web site and I am planning on completing
my collection by purchasing some plants from your shop. I am particularly
looking for fragrant plants that make the whole area fragrant. Can you provide
a list of recommended fragrant plants that bloom throughout the year round? I
currently have: murraya, plumeria, michelia alba, figo, champaca, rangoon
creeper, honeysuckle, jasmine, stephanotis, Arabian sambac, brunfelsias.
Capricorn - 12/22
- 1/19.
An EARTH sign ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorn's plants usually have
few flowers, or small flowers, are knobby or woody, and may have an unpleasant
smell or taste. Saturn rules plants with long lives and slow growth, so
plants with annual rings are also associated with the Goat.
Physiologically, Saturn rules the systems that give the body its
structure and form: the skeletal system, and the skin, teeth, joints, and knees, so
plants that are high in calcium can be very beneficial. Those can be woody
plants and shrubs that show annual rings, as well as some poisonous or
narcotic plants. Saturn plants are useful in treating arthritis and rheumatism.
Traditional Capricorn appreciates a spice that is powerful but familiar. Black pepper adds flavor and a bit of heat to both food and life,
creating movement without too much change.
TROPICAL GARDENING: How to grow Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) in the ground outside.
Q: I
recently moved from New Jersey to Florida and I brought with me my Brugmansia that
I used to have as a house plant. Can I plant it in the ground now?
A:Angel Trumpet - Brugmansia - is a very popular container plant
valued for its large, stunning fragrant flowers. Originated from South
America, it will be happy to grow in tropical to subtropical climate outdoors.
These are a few useful tips to get the most out of this beautiful plant:
Light. Plant it in full sun - the more sun, the more flowers
you get, although Brugmansias tolerate shade. If the plant was previously
grown in container indoors, to avoid leaf burn, keep it protected with a shade
cloth or simply white sheet for a while and gradually open to adjust to full
Soil and fertilizer. Use fertile soil with lots of organic
matter (add compost to existing soil). It must be very well drained, Angel
Trumpet won't tolerate waterlogged conditions. Plant it on a little "hill"
elevated 3-4" above the surrounding area. Brugmansias are very heavy feeders. Once
the plant is established, fertilize on regular basis with Slow Release Fertilizer - a handful once a
Water. Water daily until established. Once the root system is
well developed, the plant is drought tolerant and won't require too much
care. But at the beginning, watch the leaves - the lush foliage droops quickly
if the plant is thirsty.
Plan space. Brugmansia is a short tree, but it needs a lot of
room to spread branches with its heavy hanging flowers. Think 12" wide and
maybe almost as much tall.
Support. Being widespread plant, Brugmansia can be blown with
strong winds. Stake with strong support until established.
Propagation. Brugmansia is one of the few plants that
propagates with semi-woody cuttings; soft green cuttings usually have little
success. Other than that, it is pretty easy!