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Easy, stress-free plants
for Summer planting

Cat with Bananas

Q: With the rising temperatures, I'm concerned about shipping my plants safely. Can they withstand the heat during transit? Also, is it okay to plant them in the ground now, or should I wait for cooler Fall weather?

A: Your concern about shipping plants in hot weather is valid. For sensitive plants, we'll delay shipping until conditions are more favorable in your area. However, there are plenty of heat-tolerant tropical plants that handle shipping well with minimal stress. These plants adapt easily when planted during the hot summer months. Simply follow the included planting instructions, gradually acclimate them to full sun, and they should thrive.

Certain flowering tropical plants, such as Allamandas, Calliandras, Caesalpinias, Adeniums, and Clerodendrums, are excellent options for shipping and establishing during the summer. Flowering vines like Jasmines also adapt well. Consider using Sunshine Booster fertilizers to promote robust growth, they are safe to use right after planting.

Additionally, many fruit trees flourish in heat. Mangoes, Avocados, Pomegranates, Pineapples, Loquats, Eugenias - Tropical cherries, Bananas, Jackfruits, Dragon Fruit, and Olive trees are great choices for summer planting. Noni trees are hardy survivors and usually ship and grow well during the summer, in spite of their lush tropical leaves.

Feel free to check with us about the specific plant you plan to order for its suitability in summer shipping. We're here to take care of your green babies and address your year-round planting needs!

Pitaya Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus

Pitaya, Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus

Cat with Bananas

Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans thrives and blooms in hot sun

Cat with Bananas

Kalanchoe synsepala Magnificent - Walking Cup Kalanchoe, spectacular plant, loves dry and hot conditions


How Gardening improves your health

Flowering Adenium

Q: Can gardening improve my health?

A: Gardening is not only a fun way to spend time but also an opportunity to bond with family and friends. Get everyone involved in planting flowers, starting a vegetable patch, or even organizing a whimsical Easter egg hunt amidst the blooming garden.

The joy of gardening offers mood-boosting benefits, leaving you feeling invigorated and cheerful during the festive holiday. Plus, the sense of accomplishment when your garden begins to flourish perfectly aligns with Easter's spirit of personal growth and transformation.

Head out to your garden with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Revel in the beauty of nature, spend time with loved ones, and watch as your garden transforms into a lively, colorful haven.

Tuxedo cat with tomatoes


Gift Plants

Jasmine Sambac Maid of Orleans

In the photo: fragrant Jasmine Sambac Maid of Orleans

How to make the best gift plant?

1. Consider her/his interests and environment: Think about the recipient's favorite colors, preferred growing conditions (e.g. sunlight, temperature), and any specific plants they already have and like.

2. Choose an easy plant, especially when giving it to inexperienced gardener. Desert roses, Plumerias, Indoor plants are great for both beginners and experts.

3. Something to enjoy right away: Select an established plant with developed roots and foliage. Grafted fruit trees will produce soon, and aroma of a spice tree can be appreciated without waiting for it to grow bigger. House plants such as Philodendrons with ornamental foliage will brighten the room.

4. Presentation matters: Wrap the plant in decorative paper or a gift bag, and consider adding a bow or tag for a personal touch.

5. Add a personal touch: Consider pairing the plant with a personalized message or a small item such as a watering can, plant food, or a pretty planter. Your thoughtfulness will make the gift even more special.

Some gift plant ideas: Jasmines - Desert Roses - Gingers - Mango - Avocado - Spice plants - Indoor plants - easy maintenance plants - Plants of Love: Aphrodisiacs.

Annona Tree Sugar Apple with fruit on it

In the photo: Annonas are one of the most popular tropical fruit trees, fast fruiting, suitable for small gardens and container culture


New Exotic Adeniums

Saving on your favorite plants is Easy.
Easy like Sunday Morning...

It's time for our favorite day and another Easy stroll through Top Tropicals Garden with savings of

up to 50% and MORE!

The Flower of Prosperity and Good Fortune...

The Adenium obesum, Desert Rose, is a highly prized ornamental plant, perceived in some cultures as a sacred symbol of prosperity, abundance and good fortune. Since the Desert Rose is strong and adaptable to climatic conditions, it represents strength, persistence and resilience. We could all use a little more of these qualities in our lives...

Adeniums (Desert Roses) are the easiest plants in cultivation yet they bring you so much joy with their colorful flowers and showy caudex. There are hundreds, if not thousands of amazing colors and new hybrids are created every year. Many gardeners want to collect them all! And we can help you to grow your collection. We have many new varieties in stock and are offering two special Collection Deals!

Special Deals for Desert Rose Collectors

The plants are well developed, with large caudex, grown in 1 gal pots, normally $42.95 each,
with Collection savings of $30 and $65!

3 Adeniums Collection

Regularly $128.95,
Collection price $98.95 - savings of $30 per set!

Varieties included in this collection:
RED Adenium Red Wine
WHITE Adenium Jasmine
BLACK Adenium Black Widow

5 Adeniums Collection

Regularly $214.95,
Collection price $149.95 - savings of $65 per set!

Varieties included in this collection:
PURPLE Adenium Mee Stang
LIGHT YELLOW Adenium Yellow Gold (Vanilla Gold)
STRIPED PINK Adenium Bua Champoo
ORANGE Adenium Yellow Gift (Sai Thong)
RED-BLACK Adenium Red Dragon

Now wait... Save even more with Easy Sunday:

Combine both collections and save ANOTHER $15! Use this limited time offer coupon:


Remember, this Easy Sunday Deal expires on Tuesday 3-1-22!


Care of Desert Roses

Q: I am looking forward to my three desert roses I just ordered from you and I am wondering how to take care of them, especially during winter time. Should I put the pots in full sun or shade? What kind of soil do they like? How often should I water them? When it gets cooler, should I bring them inside? We do have occasional frost here during winter.

A: Here are a few tips for your desert roses:

1. When received Adenium from mail-order, unpack carefully; branches are fragile. Plant in well-drained potting mix. Cactus mix will do, but we recommend special Adenium mix. If using regular acidic peat-based potting mix, you may add sea-shells on top of soil to neutralize acidity: adeniums prefer alkaline soils. Using clay pots is beneficial. Water once and do not water again until soil gets dry. Place in bright shade until new leaves sprout, then the plant can be moved to full sun.

2. Adenium is a succulent, but not a cactus. It needs watering, however let soil dry before waterings. Reduce watering during cool season and discontinue when plant gets dormant (drops all leaves in winter).

3. Bright light is the best for profuse flowering. However, adeniums look much healthier in slightly filtered light rather than in all-day full sun.

4. Fertilize and spray leaves with liquid fertilizer SUNSHINE Megaflor - Nutrition Bloom Booster. Phosphorous is responsible both for flowering and caudex development. Avoid caudex, spray over foliage only. Dry fertilizer can be used only during hot months.

5. Watch for spider mites during hot and dry season.

6. Give plants a break during winter dormant season. Keep in bright shade and reduce watering to 1-2 per month or stop watering if temperature is below 65F.

More info on growing Desert Roses:
What you need for successful growing Adeniums
Overwintering Adeniums outside of tropics
Growing Exotic Adeniums - Growing Exotic Adeniums


Trimming and treating Adeniums in winter

Q: My desert rose below dropped leaves after I replanted it in a bigger pot. I noticed that one of the branches that had been pruned is black at the tip. Please let me know if the section of the branch that turned black needs to be cut. I also wasn’t sure how often to water it since the leaves have all dropped. None of the other dessert roses have dropped their leaves but they are all younger plants. Any advice would be much appreciated.

A: Your plant looks healthy and vigorous overall. Dropping leaves after repotting, or shipping, especially at this time of the year, is normal in Adeniums. They are deciduous and stay leafless from Fall to Spring. Some individual specimens can go into dormancy sooner than others - all depends on conditions: temperature, light, exposure, etc. and individual plant's "clock".
The black spot on the cut branch may be a sign of a fungus as a result of excess water. You may carefully clean/rub it with a paper tower dipped in Hydrogen Peroxide (pharmacy grade). Then rinse with fresh water.
Keep the plant warm and in a dry spot. Once leaves are dropped, it doesn't need much water. Once a week watering is enough.


Growing desert roses

Q: I purchased a Desert Rose and planted it in Adenium mix. I keep it in full sun with once a week watering assuming this is a desert plant that likes lots of sun. Some leaves turned yellow and now I am not sure should I move it into shade or need to water more? Or maybe fertilize with something?

A: Desert Rose - Adenium, unlike cacti and other succulents, prefers filtered light. It can grow in full sun but leaves look healthier in light shade. Watering must be very moderate, however don't let soil harden like a rock: water again right after the soil gets dry. We suggest to use special Adenium Mix. Cactus mix may work well, as well as regular potting mix, in which case it is recommended to add a bit of limestone (we simply put sea shells on top of the pot - it looks very pretty!) - because adeniums prefer slightly alkaline soil (while most of tropical plants like acidic soils). If leaves turn yellow, this may be a sign of underwatering. Use water soluable fertilizer with high phosphate as foliage spray, and only on healthy plants, according to label dosage. It helps both caudex growth and flowering. Make sure to avoid fertilizer contact with a caudex.

Adenium Plant Food - Flower and Caudex Booster
SUNSHINE-BC - Caudex booster
Adenium Soilless Mix

Read more about growing Adeniums:
What you need for successful growing Adeniums
Growing Exotic Adeniums


Horned Holly - a cool bonsai plant

By Onika Amell, tropical plant specialist

Q: I live in Chickasaw, Alabama. I am a beginner bonsai grower. I received a lovely little Horned Holly as a birthday present and I want to know if it is a suitable plant to bonsai?

A: The Ilex cornuta - Horned Holly, or Chinese Holly, is very popular as a bonsai species. It is loved for its very beautiful and distinctive rectangular foliage and for its small, white flowers which give way to large, red berries. The berries are larger than those of the European Holly. The leaves are rectangular and unusually shaped with three large spines at the apex. This bonsai will take both sun and shade, but semi-shade is preferred in midsummer. If indoors, give it plenty of bright light. When kept outdoors, your Horned Holly bonsai will need some frost protection and should be sheltered from strong or cold winds. It will need a fair amount of water and should not be allowed to completely dry out. Watering during the heat of summer is especially important, as well as in spring right before the fruit production, and should be reduced during winter. This species will also appreciate regular misting of the foliage. Repot this bonsai every 1 to 2 years in early spring, using bonsai soil - TopTropicals Adenium Soilless Mix. Fertilize the holly every two weeks throughout the growing season using either a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength. We recommend for this purpose Tropical Greenhouse Plus - Plant Booster. Pruning should be done in early spring.
Horned Holly is also very popular as a hedge plant as it grows dense and compact. It will grow to between 3 and 5 feet tall and will spread to an equal distance, giving it a round, shrubby form. It is cold hardy! Zones 6 through 9. It will tolerate a wide variety of soils as long as it is well-drained. It likes sun or part shade. It is heat and drought tolerant once established, and are often used in xeriscaping. Its branches produce dark olive-green foliage that is often cut for indoor decorations during the holidays.

Limited time special offer:
buy 1 get 1 free for only $10!


Plants for South Texas and other hot states

Q: Pretty much adore last newsletter. Haven't been buying because our weather here in deep south Texas is so bad it is stunting and killing even the Tamaulipan Scrub! Do you have a cure for that? :) I have every expectation the new grafted Plumeria I purchased from you last year will bloom soon. One of my favorite plants. Thanks again and keep up the good works.

A: Yes, there is a "cure" - using biostimulants that improve drought- and heat- resistance (SUNSHINE boosters), plus the right plant selection. In fact, there is a large number of tropical rare plants that can be successfully grown in hot climates like yours. One of our partners lives in hot and dry Arizona area and has an amazing tropical garden that includes many fruit trees (Mango, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Loquats, etc). Here you can see a few pics from his garden.
Your choice is absolutely right about plumerias. Other easy plants would be Desert roses - Adeniums, and Fancy Euphorbia millii - all these come in so many varieties of colors and bloom throughout most of the year. Our special recommendations for you would be also:

Bougainvillea Dwarf Pixie
Jasmine sambac
Calliandra selloi Pink Lilian
Dracaena marginata Tricolor - Colorama, Money Tree
Hamelia patens Lime Sizzler - Variegated Fire Bush
Jatropha berlandieri - Buddah Belly
Pedilanthus tithymaloides - Devils Backbone
Trachelospermum asiaticum Mandaianum - Dwarf Confederate Jasmine

See full list of more plants that are suitable for hot and dry landscapes.

Apply fertilizers, miscroelements, and plant stimulants for improving heat tolerance


Growing plumeria from seed


Q: I purchased a Plumeria from your company. It has done quite nicely and now has produced a seed pod. Please forward me information on how to care for it and use the seeds that may be inside to propagate another plant.

A: Wait until seeds are ripe (seed pod turns brownish). Soak seeds overnight. Use only well-drained soil. The ideal mix is Adenium mix that we use for desert roses and Plumerias. Insert the heavy end of seed 1/4" into the soil, leaving feathered end exposed. Place the pot in direct sunlight. Don't allow the soil to completely dry out, but don't let it be soggy. Germination occurs usually within three to four weeks. Do not overwater.

Click for Plumeria and Adenium quick sale - 50% OFF with FREE shipping! Exp. 1/15/19.

Check out our full selection of plumerias - all with FREE shipping!