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How to help a weak tree to recover and thrive?

small and large lychee tree

Q: Look at my sad looking Lychee tree. Can you share with me any ideas about this tree condition?

A: From the photo (left), we see a few potential issues. The problem might be due to a combination of factors such as a heavy potting mix with poor drainage, over-watering, an underdeveloped root system sensitive to these conditions, leaf burn, and a lack of nutrients.

Suggestions for fixing the problem

1. Soil mix. First, assess the quality of the soil. If the plant has been in the same pot for a while, the soil at the bottom may have become compacted, leading to poor drainage. If this is the case, carefully remove the root system from the existing soil (by removing excess soil around the roots without disturbing the roots themselves). Repot the tree into fresh, well-draining potting mix with good drainage characteristics, which typically contains materials like bark and perlite. Ensure that the new pot is exactly the size of the root ball; using a significantly larger pot can lead to soggy conditions that harm the roots.

2. Light. Place the potted tree in an area with filtered light, avoiding direct sunlight throughout the day.

3. Water. Control the watering. During this recovery period, your plant will need very limited water until it shows signs of improvement and new growth. After repotting, water it thoroughly just once, and avoid watering again until the top layer of soil becomes dry. Then, water as needed. Avoid keeping the soil consistently wet, especially during rainy periods. Protect the plant from excessive rain.

4. Supplements. Consider applying Sunshine Superfood micro-elements following the label instructions, once a month. Additionally, using Sunshine Epi bio-stimulant, sprayed every other week, can help the plant recover from stress and encourage growth. You can also use Sunshine C-Cibus at half the recommended concentration with each watering. Hold off on any other fertilizers until the plant has sufficiently recovered and begins to show signs of new growth.

5. Transplanting. If you plan to transplant the tree into the ground, it's advisable to wait until spring when nighttime temperatures consistently stay above 65F for at least two weeks.

6. Temperature. Keep the tree in a warm environment. When temperatures drop below 50F, bring it indoors.

These steps should help the tree recover, grow healthy leaves, and establish a better root system, preparing it for successful transplantation into the ground or a larger container, ensuring a happy and productive life ahead.

Sunshine Boosters: C-Cibus, Superfood, Epi


Easy, stress-free plants
for Summer planting

Cat with Bananas

Q: With the rising temperatures, I'm concerned about shipping my plants safely. Can they withstand the heat during transit? Also, is it okay to plant them in the ground now, or should I wait for cooler Fall weather?

A: Your concern about shipping plants in hot weather is valid. For sensitive plants, we'll delay shipping until conditions are more favorable in your area. However, there are plenty of heat-tolerant tropical plants that handle shipping well with minimal stress. These plants adapt easily when planted during the hot summer months. Simply follow the included planting instructions, gradually acclimate them to full sun, and they should thrive.

Certain flowering tropical plants, such as Allamandas, Calliandras, Caesalpinias, Adeniums, and Clerodendrums, are excellent options for shipping and establishing during the summer. Flowering vines like Jasmines also adapt well. Consider using Sunshine Booster fertilizers to promote robust growth, they are safe to use right after planting.

Additionally, many fruit trees flourish in heat. Mangoes, Avocados, Pomegranates, Pineapples, Loquats, Eugenias - Tropical cherries, Bananas, Jackfruits, Dragon Fruit, and Olive trees are great choices for summer planting. Noni trees are hardy survivors and usually ship and grow well during the summer, in spite of their lush tropical leaves.

Feel free to check with us about the specific plant you plan to order for its suitability in summer shipping. We're here to take care of your green babies and address your year-round planting needs!

Pitaya Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus

Pitaya, Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus

Cat with Bananas

Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans thrives and blooms in hot sun

Cat with Bananas

Kalanchoe synsepala Magnificent - Walking Cup Kalanchoe, spectacular plant, loves dry and hot conditions


Fertilizing during rainy season

Champaka trees without and with Sunshine Boosters

Q: I have installed your Robuster unit to fertilize my fruit trees, but here in Florida, it is the rainy season and most of the time I do not need to irrigate during the summer. What do you recommend to keep up with fertilizing program?

A: This is what we recommend for fertilizing during rainy season:

For in the ground plants

If there are frequent rains, it's not necessary to use any fertilizers except for slowly soluble ones. During rainy periods, use a slow release fertilizer. Simply scatter 3 oz per 100 square ft. You can adjust the amount based on your specific area and number of plants.

Additionally, for foliar treatments, use Sunshine SuperFood microelement supplement and Sunshine Epi biostimulator.
When you water next time, regardless of whether it rained or not, resume using liquid Sunshine Boosters.

Sunshine Superfood and Epi

For potted plants

When you water your potted plants, use liquid Sunshine Boosters. Every 1 or 2 weeks (we recommend weekly), apply Sunshine Garden Series (the same type you are using when watering) for foliar treatment. Use the same dosage as you would for watering. By following these recommendations, you can ensure that your plants receive the appropriate nutrients during the rainy season.

Sunshine Boosters Garden Series

the Robuster


Fertilizing a Mango tree in container

Mango trees in pots and fertilizer

Q: I live in the area with cooler winters so I am keeping my mango tree in a pot. What fertilizer do you recommend for the best growth and fruit production?

A: If you're growing fruit trees in pots, using liquid fertilizers is a great choice. And when it comes to liquid fertilizers, ones that are based on amino acids are super cool because they're natural and plants can gobble up all the good stuff without any problems. So, if you have a mango tree, the absolute star in amino acid-based fertilizers is -

Sunshine Boosters Mango Tango

Your tree will be doing a happy dance with this stuff!

Sunshine booster mango tango fertilizer

Why Sunshine Boosters liquid fertilizers are so popular?

Here are a few awesome reasons:

1. Speedy nutrients: Sunshine Boosters liquid fertilizers are like a fast pass for plants. They get absorbed by the roots super quick, giving your fruit tree a speedy delivery of all the nutrients it needs. This is especially great for potted plants with limited soil space, like those yummy fruit trees.

2. Nutrients for all: Sunshine Boosters are like the fairy godmothers of nutrients. When you pour them around the base of your tree, they spread out evenly, making sure every bit of the tree gets its fair share of the good stuff. No nutrient deficiencies allowed!

3. The power of precision: Sunshine Boosters liquid fertilizers and other cool plant supplements let you become a master mixologist for your plant. You can measure and mix them just right, giving your tree the exact nutrients it craves. It's like creating a customized cocktail for your tree's taste buds. Try adding the magic works of SUNSHINE Microelement Supplement Kit - that improves hardiness, vigor, and production.

4. Leafy goodness: Sunshine Boosters have a secret talent - they can be sprayed directly on the leaves! It's like giving your tree a refreshing nutrient-packed spa treatment. The leaves slurp up those nutrients, bypassing any soil limitations. Talk about a VIP treatment!

Remember, while liquid fertilizers are awesome, they work best when you team them up with other good plant care practices. So don't forget to water properly, keep that soil in tip-top shape, and give your tree plenty of sunshine. With this dream team, your potted mango tree will thrive and grow like a champ!

mango trees in containers


Repotting tropical plants

Orange cat with indoor plants

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Q: When is the best time to repot tropical plants?

A: Repotting tropical plants is vital for their overall health and growth. The best time to repot them is during the Spring through early Summer, when they start active growth.

Start by selecting a well-draining soil mix that consists of equal parts potting soil, peat moss, and perlite. Gather the necessary supplies, including a slightly larger pot, the soil mix, and a good fertilizer

Carefully remove the plant from its current pot, trim any damaged branches, and place it in the new pot with fresh soil mix. Be sure to position the plant with the growth point slightly above the soil level. Water the plant thoroughly but avoid overwatering. After repotting, find an appropriate location with suitable lighting conditions for your plant. Monitor the moisture levels and water when the top inch of the soil feels dry.

Additionally, apply the appropriate Sunshine Boosters fertilizer according to the instructions on the packaging. Use Sunshine Boosters fertilizers for specific plant needs (Robusta for foliage, Megaflor for flowering, Ananas for pineapples, etc.). It is safe to apply Sunshine Boosters all year around. Keep a close eye on the plant for any signs of stress or issues and adjust your care routine as needed. Help the plant to cope with stress by spraying with solution of Sunshine Epi.

Enjoy the beauty of your thriving indoor tropical garden!

repotting a plant


The Benefits of Companion Planting

Landscaped garden with companion planting

Q: What is companion planting?

A: Companion planting is a gardening technique that involves planting different crops or types of plants together in a way that benefits all plants. This practice has been used for centuries, and it can be especially useful in tropical gardens where there is a diversity of plant life: trees, shrubs, vines and climbers, ground covers, fruit and edibles, and different flowering ornamentals. It is a great way to improve the health and yield of fruit tree crops while reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides. By choosing the right companion plants and planning your garden layout carefully, you can create a vibrant and diverse ecosystem that will benefit both your plants and the environment.

Companion planting involves:

Planting different crops together to repel insects: adding such plants as Lemon grass, Patchouli leaf, or Moujean Tea near your vegetables can deter aphids and other pests.

Attracting pollinators - Butterfly plants. Many tropical crops, such as passion fruit, papaya, mango, and avocado, rely on pollinators to produce fruit. Companion planting can help to attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to your garden.

Providing nutrients to the soil, adding mulch and low growing plants (ground covers) to preserve moisture.

Planting a variety of different types of plants together in order to create a more resilient ecosystem that is less susceptible to pests and diseases.

To get started, plan your garden layout and choose companion plants with similar water and light requirements.
For example, plant in the same group lush foliage plants, gingers, and flowering brunfelsias in shady areas; plant jasmines and gardenias in full sun and very well-drained spots.
Rotate annual crops regularly and experiment with combinations to find what works best. By doing this, you can create a thriving ecosystem that benefits both your plants and the environment, reducing the need for harmful chemicals.

Landscaped front yard with companion planting

Buddah and flowers


Seven reasons to use Sunshine Boosters fertilizers



Q: I used horse manure for my veggies garden but it caused mold and burned my plants. I've heard of Sunshine boosters as a good organic alternative. What are the benefits of Sunshine Boosters fertilizers?

A: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers can be a good choice for gardeners who want to promote healthy plant growth, while also considering the environment. The brand offers a wide range of formulations and high-quality ingredients to meet the specific needs of different types of plants, making it easier for gardeners to achieve the results they want.

Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are a good choice for several reasons:

1. Improved plant growth: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers contain essential nutrients that plants need to grow healthy and strong, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients can help improve plant growth and increase crop yields.

2. Balanced nutrition: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are formulated to provide plants with a balanced ratio of nutrients. This means that the nutrients are present in the right proportions to promote healthy growth and development.

3. Environmentally friendly: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are made from natural and organic ingredients, which can be beneficial for the environment. These fertilizers may also be safer for pets and children who may come into contact with them.

4. High-quality ingredients: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are made with high-quality ingredients that are carefully selected to provide the best possible nutrition for plants. The brand uses a variety of ingredients to create a well-balanced fertilizer that is suitable for a range of plants.

5. Improved plant health: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers contain a range of beneficial nutrients, such as micronutrients, amino acids, and enzymes, which can help to improve overall plant health. This can lead to stronger plants that are more resistant to pests and diseases.

6. Sustainable and eco-friendly: Sunshine Boosters' fertilizers are made with natural and organic ingredients, which can be more environmentally friendly than synthetic fertilizers.

7. Easy to use: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are easy to use. The brand also offers detailed instructions and resources on their website to help gardeners use their fertilizers effectively.

Organic vegetables


Organic or inorganic fertilizers, which is best?

A very smart article by Fedor, Mike, and Ed

Colorful garden

Q: Which one is better - organic or inorganic fertilizer?

A: When it comes to fertilizer, gardeners always wonder if one better than the other. Does a total organic fertilizer make sense for you? Is it easier to just use a cheap granular fertilizer a few times per year? You may be surprised to learn that there is one fertilizer that has advantages over both!

While organic fertilizers may be all the rage, there is the difference between Sunshine Boosters fertilizers, organic and inorganic fertilizers. Sunshine Boosters fertilizers have been especially developed to provide optimal conditions for cultivating crops in pots and greenhouses. These specialized nutrient blends are essential in order to maintain an appropriate environment for successful crop production, as they compensate for the lack of natural beneficial bacteria and nitrifying organisms which are specific to open soil cultivation.
Learn about why Sunshine Boosters is the best choice...

Hungarian hot wax pepper

In the photos: Hungarian hot wax pepper (above) and a Baby Cucumber (below), both grown in Ed's organic garden with Sunshine Boosters

Baby Cucumber in organic garden


How to make your Olive tree grow faster

Ed's Olive trees in the garden

In past blog posts, Ed Jones shared his insights on cultivating olives in Central Florida using Sunshine Boosters. Despite olives having a reputation for slow growth and being uncommon in Florida gardens, Ed has successfully grown not only productive but also aesthetically pleasing trees in just two years. As seen in this winter photo, the trees are thriving!
Encouraged by Ed's success, we have decided to plant
olive trees as well. They are low maintenance and tolerant to cold temperatures. Simply heed Ed's advice, and you too can have a beautiful tree that produces your own olives in the future.

Olive branch with fruit


The Robuster: smart and simple
Automatic care-free plant feeder!

The Robuster, Smart Fertilizer 

Affordable Smart Fertilizer Injector and Doser

Tired of mixing fertilizer in watering cans?
Struggling to keep up with the growth of your garden?
Need to adjust fertilizer schedules for different plants and weather conditions?
Professional injectors are expensive and complicated?
Look no further! Affordable and user-friendly solution for any gardener -

The Robuster.
Set up... Sit back...
...enjoy your garden!

The Robuster is a unique smart device for irrigation systems and is designed to help make fertilizing your garden easier. Simple to install, The Robuster utilizes a computerized controller that injects liquid fertilizer into your irrigation system based on your preset dosage. The Robuster will work in your yard, garden or farm, small or large. Designed to be used with Sunshine Boosters amino acid based liquid fertilizers, it also works with any liquid plant food that requires a dosage from 5 - 25 ml per gallon of water.
Let The Robuster do the feeding so you have more time to enjoy your garden! Your first gallon of Sunshine Boosters is available to you at a 50% discount with the purchase of this unit! Sunshine Boosters are also available at deep discounts with our subscription program (coming soon). Contact us for more information.

Developed in Ukraine. Manufactured in the USA.
Introductory low price! Only 4 units available at this time.
Contact us for installation availability
Learn more:

Blog: About The Robuster with pictures
Amazing video: The Robuster in Ed's garden

The Robuster in the gardens

Starter gardens at TopTropicals as well as container plants, are fertilized with the Robuster with every watering

container plants fertilized with The Robuster