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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Wesley's Independence

Wesley is the biggest cat at TopTropicals. He weighs almost 30 pounds. He believes in good nutrition and never sweats the small stuff.
In spite of being the Biggest Purrrson, Wesley is not exactly fearless... Everyone knows that there are two things Wes is afraid of - a thunder, and... a doorbell. When someone rings the doorbell, Wesley zooms into the nearest closet faster than a lightning and stays there until dark. No more than one visitor per day for him!

In the photo below: Wes is celebrating his Independence - "It's better be safe than sorry!"

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Anders from the King's Palace

We receive many letters from customers who enjoy our Cat of the Day column, including those who want to share their cat stories with us! Today's guest in PeopleCat studio -

Cat Anders. Anders lives in Stockholm. He is a manager of a Garden Center located in one of the King's properties - Palace Ulriksdal. He has so many beautiful flowers in stock! Lots of orchids, camellias, and showy colorful annuals.
Anders' favorite spot is to sit by the cash register where he can closely monitor every payment transaction. Sometimes he takes a walk around the premises to take care of security issues and to stay on top of his inventory control. During lunch time Anders visit Flower Cafe nearby, to make sure visitors' dogs behave properly... Yes, dogs and cats are welcomed in!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Google the Cat says Happy Fathers Day!

Google the Cat is joining Fathers Day celebration as a Founding Father of TopTropicals (along with Jim the Founder). Google just turned 13 years old - pretty senior age for a cat, and although he is still full of energy (and Brainpower), he spends most of his day managing the business, setting the goals, and knowing everything. This is Because, and this is Why - he is the Google!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Ditta - the Botanical Cat

Ditta lives in Botanical Garden of Riga, Latvia. Our columnist Alex Butova has been writing about that garden a lot and posted numerous plant photos in our Catalog; now it is time to introduce its PeopleCats!
Ditta is the Boss of Riga Botanical Garden. She owns the security room and watches her premises. Ditta is in charge of all events and exhibits of the Garden, and her favorite spot is the Rose Garden.

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Midnight - Prince from Bombay

No animals were harmed during the photo-session.

...Prince Midnight was adopted at 6 weeks from a large family of Bombay cats from a nearby neighbor. At the time we didn't realized they were Bombays, just that the entire group were pure black with gold eyes. It was later that we realized he had all the traits of a Bombay including not a speck of white, the gold eyes and the facial characteristics, and even an obscure trait known to them: a tendency toward stuffy nose, which has always come and gone, sounding like a mild snore, even when awake. He is going on 17...


TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Jim, Happy 16th Birthday!

A few days ago Jim celebrated his 16th birthday. He is our oldest Purrrson.
We are extending this opportunity to wish him to stay Happy, in Good Health and Full Body - the way he always has been! And you know what is his secret of healthy and wealthy life?

Eat well and don't sweat the small stuff!

Photo above: Jim in 2004 - eating well

2 photos above: Jim today - shaved and gray-haired, but still eating well!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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People of TopTropicals. Pets of the day: Luna, Queen of Night and Lil Frank the Possum

We had a friend over for dinner, lovely Mrs Mom Luna the Raccoon. She had a bunch of her baby raccoons! This is the second Raccoon of TopTropicals (see our previous visitor - Raccoon Charity).
Then we discovered a little opossum that had a night time swim... We helped him out in the morning using a pool net. Little Frank, apparently, is our Possum Pete's grandson.
All PeoplePets were fed with cat food and received a big portion of Love!

Luna is learning how to eat out of hand... and Lil Frank just got out of the pool.

Possum Pete - grandpa of Lil Frank, guarding the cat food at night

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cats of the day: the most unusual and weird.

Biggy and Marco won/shared today's contest of Cat of the Day for being the most DIFFERENT. For eating corn and for sleeping in a tree like a bird!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club

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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: King the Biker

King just keeps winning "Cat of the Day" honorable title! Last time he excelled in his traveling talents, and today is no exception. Since he was scolded for his unapproved trip to Miami, got his drivers license suspended and now is strictly prohibited from big-time traveling... he learned how to ride a bike!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club

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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Snitch - here, there, and everywhere

Everyone who visited TopTropicals Garden Center, most likely met Snitch. He greets customers at the front office door, and often helps them with checking out in the office. Snitch is an expert on fragrant plants and herbs. He is a great office assistant who is always there when you need him! A Purrrfect multi-tasker, Snitch even find time to give a hand in Shipping department, so don't be surprised if you find his whisker in the box! :)

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club

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