Syzygium contractum, Bois de Pomme, Bois Boeuf

Syzygium contractum

Bois de Pomme, Bois Boeuf
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: Mauritius
Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterPink flowersEdible plant

Syzygium contractum is a large shrub that can reach 5-10 feet tall and is native to Mauritius. It needs full sun to semi shade, and needs a moderate amount of water for optimal growth and health. It makes a great ornamental addition to most landscapes with its bright pink flowers appearing in the late spring and early summer. The bright edible berries which follow are purple in colour and reach 2cm in diameter.

When growing this plant, in colder parts of the country, it is best to keep Syzygium contractum in a pot. It needs to be moved inside or sheltered from the weather during the coldest months of winter. It prefers a well-draining soil, although it can tolerate more moisture if needed. It is recommended to water regularly and evenly in order to keep the soil moist.

Syzygium contractum is not only a beautiful addition to any landscape, but it can also provide many edible benefits. The edible fruit of the shrub contains high amounts of vitamin C and is used to make jams and jellies. It is also considered to be a superfood due to its high amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It can even be used to make wine. Syzygium contractum can bear up to three fruits per branch and one plant can easily produce over ten fruits in a season.

Overall, Syzygium contractum is a great ornamental plant to add to any garden. Its bright pink flowers, followed by edible fruits make it a great addition for any garden. It is easy to care for, just needing full sun to semi shade and regular water. Its edible benefits such as its high levels of vitamin c, minerals and antioxidants make it a great superfood, and it can easily produce up to ten fruits a season.

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Syzygium contractum, Bois de Pomme, Bois Boeuf
Syzygium contractum, Bois de Pomme, Bois Boeuf

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