M4 is referred to as "sweet like candy and tasted coconutty". Its coconut flavor blows Coconut Cream away, and is way more complex with a slight balancing sub-acidity component. M4 is not a colorful/pretty mango on the outside but the taste more than makes up for it. It is a Kent cross and has just recently been released from the same breeding project that produced Coconut Cream, Pineapple Pleasure and others. This superior variety was released due to high connoisseur and staff insistence, because of supreme deliciousness, to pretty much everyone who tried them, and clean appearance, though not at all colorful. Considered by some connoisseurs to join the ranks of a rarified top 10 mango. The fruit size is small, but the number of fruits produced is high. The original tree has been an alternate bearer so this variety possibly can skip years because it may hold fruit too late, however it is not considered a super late variety. It fruits Mid-to-Late Season. See more info about Mango varieties.