Colocasia Thailand Giant - Taro Root, Mafafa

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Colocasia Thailand Giant - Taro Root, Mafafa

Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeFull sunRegular waterBog or aquatic plantOrnamental foliageSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeFlood tolerant plant

The biggest leaf on planet!
Taro is native to South India and Southeast Asia. It is primarily grown as a root vegetable for its edible starchy corm, and as a leaf vegetable. It is a food staple in African, Oceanic and South Indian cultures and is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants. It is known by many local names and often referred to as "elephant ears" when grown as an ornamental plant.
The corms, which have a light purple color due to phenolic pigments, are roasted, baked or boiled, and the natural sugars give a sweet nutty flavor. The starch is easily digestible, and since the grains are fine and small it is often used for baby food. The leaves are a good source of vitamins A and C and contain more protein than the corms.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot
6 plants in stock