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Did you know that you can eat and drink Hibiscus plants?

Did you know that you can eat and drink Hibiscus plants? Did you know that you can eat and drink Hibiscus plants? Did you know that you can eat and drink Hibiscus plants? Did you know that you can eat and drink Hibiscus plants?
🌺 Did you know that you can eat and drink Hibiscus plants?

Who doesn't adore hibiscus flowers? But guess what? Some hibiscus species are not only gorgeous but also surprisingly practical. They can jazz up your garden and your dinner plate!

🥗 Hibiscus cannabinus - Salad Hibiscus - flowers and leaves used in tasty healthy salads and teas.

🧉 Hibiscus sabdariffa - Flor de Jamaica, Karkade Sorrel, Roselle - flowers and used for famous beverage "Agua de Flor de Jamaica" and Karkade Tea.

🫐 Hibiscus acetosella - Cranberry hibiscus - cranberry-colored flowers and leaves are also tasty and healthy in salads and teas.

Grow your edible flower landscape in no time!

📚 Learn more, with recipes: Most useful Hibiscus plants
🎥 YouTube video: Jamaican Hibiscus Tea: what's in it?

Shop Edible Hibiscus

#Food_Forest #Remedies #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?

 Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?  Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?  Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?  Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?  Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?  Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesnt?
🍯 Who wants a cold hardy, dramatic looking tropical fruit tree with a sweet fruit? Or, who doesn't?

  • 🍑 Persimmon (Diospyros sp.) is a graceful, small, subtropical fruit tree from China, with multitrunked or single-stemmed structure and drooping leaves and branches, turning dramatic shades in autumn.

  • 🍑 People love Persimmon fruit for its sweet and unique flavor, often described as a blend of honey and apricot.

  • 🍑 The tree thrives in deep, well-drained loam soil, tolerating alkaline conditions.

  • 🍑 The fruit classified into astringent (soft, sweeter pulp) and non-astringent (crunchy) cultivars.

  • 🍑 Best Varieties for Container Culture:

  • Non-Astringent: Fuyu, Giant Fuyu, Matsumoto-Wase, Jiro, Maekawa, Izu.
    Astringent: Chocolate, Guang Yang, Hachiya, Meader, Saijo, Tanenashi, Winterset.
  • 🍑 Hardy to USDA zones 7-10, may need protection in colder regions.

📚 How to grow Persimmon tree

🛒Order Persimmon Tree

#Food_Forest #Container_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits!

What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits! What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits! What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits! What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits!
🥂 What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits!

  • 🥝 The fruit of Cas Guava (Psidium friedrichsthalianum) has unusual tart flavor with passionfruit and pineapple tones, more pronounced than common Guava🍍

  • 🥝 Cas Guava used in pies, salads, fresh juices, ice-cream, jams, and as a base for the refreshing drink Fresco de Cas!🍹

  • 🥝 High pectin content makes firm jellies.

  • 🥝 Hydrating and low glycemic index, suitable for those mindful of sugar consumption.

  • 🥝 Rich source of fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, phosphorus, potassium, copper, vitamin A, and folic acid.

  • 🥝 This small tree or bush is very fast growing and undemanding, usually pest free (unlike most Guavas that can be very bugsy).

  • 🥝 Tolerates hot summers and short frosts, appreciates well-drained soils.

  • 🥝 Easy to grow, drought-tolerant once established, suitable for container cultivation.

  • 🥝 Seedlings start flowering and fruiting at a young age, typically 2-3 years old from seed.

📚 Learn more about Cas Guava

🛒Order Cas Guava

#Food_Forest #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


How to always have lots of Guava Juice

 How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice
🍈 How to always have lots of Guava Juice.

  • 🧡 Psidium littorale, also known as Cattley Guava, is a charming small tropical fruit tree.

  • 🧡 Round fruits offer a unique culinary experience with a sweet and tangy flavor, perfect for various dishes and drinks.

  • 🧡 Surprisingly cold-hardy, it adds both beauty and flavor to any landscape.

  • 🧡 Ideal for containers

  • 🧡 A must-have for fruit lovers seeking a tropical treat.

  • 🧡 One tree can bring enough fruit for making a delicious, aromatic, refreshing Guava juice for the whole family during Summer months. Just put the fruit in a blender, add some water, ice and sugar and enjoy!🥤

🛒Order Cattley Guava and never run out of juice

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


How to always have lots of Guava Juice

 How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice
🍈 How to always have lots of Guava Juice.

  • 🧡 Psidium littorale, also known as Cattley Guava, is a charming small tropical fruit tree.

  • 🧡 Round fruits offer a unique culinary experience with a sweet and tangy flavor, perfect for various dishes and drinks.

  • 🧡 Surprisingly cold-hardy, it adds both beauty and flavor to any landscape.

  • 🧡 Ideal for containers

  • 🧡 A must-have for fruit lovers seeking a tropical treat.

  • 🧡 One tree can bring enough fruit for making a delicious, aromatic, refreshing Guava juice for the whole family during Summer months. Just put the fruit in a blender, add some water, ice and sugar and enjoy!🥤

🛒Order Cattley Guava and never run out of juice

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood

What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood
🤴 What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood...

  • 🫘 Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea - existed for more than 4800 year! It's been widely consumed in South Asia, South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Documented in India since 2,800 BC; reached Ancient Egypt around 2,200 BC.

  • 🫘 Provides flavorful, nutritious, and healthy food, with potential to become widely popular like Japanese sushi 🍱

  • 🫘 It is a showy perennial woody shrub or small tree, 4-8 ft tall, with soft leaves. Can be grown in container

  • 🫘Pretty flowers are yellow, with purple or red streaks, pods containing oval to round seeds.

  • 🫘 Many culinary uses: the tasty and healthy beans used in rice dishes, soups, stews, tempeh, tofu. Unripe pods eaten in curries, leaves and young shoots cooked as a vegetable.

  • 🫘 Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins (B, C, E, K), and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc).

  • 🫘 Medicinal value: various folk medicinal uses for sores, bladderstones, jaundice, skin irritations, bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, toothache, dysentery, and more.
  • 🫘 Everyone can grow it! The plant is super easy, tolerates poor soils, drought tolerant, improves soil quality like many other beans.

📚 Learn more about Pigeon Pea

🛒Grow your own Pigeon Pea Superfood

#Food_Forest #Remedies #Container_Garden #Fun_Facts

🏵 TopTropicals


Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!

Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!
🥒 Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are "candles"! 🕯

  • 🕯 This bizarre tree is a conversation piece and every plant collector should have one!

  • 🕯 Parmentiera edulis - Candle Tree, or Guahalote - is a highly ornamental tree with interesting leaves, pretty cream flowers and...ready?

  • 🕯One foot long fruits resembling a greenish-yellow cucumbers or candles that hang off the tree!

  • 🕯Juicy fruit is edible and has a sweet flavor similar to sugar cane. Eaten raw or cooked; used to make pickles or preserves

  • 🕯The fruit is a remedy for colds; roots used as a diuretic.

  • 🕯Easy to grow and not fussy about conditions. Cold tolerant to light frost.

🎥 10 Plants That Will Make You Happy. Plant #2: Candle Tree.

🛒Get your own Candle Tree

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Nature_Wonders #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like

 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like
🧡 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? It's Golden Loquat – the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like apricots!

  • 🍑 Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree.

  • 🍑 Heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer.

  • 🍑 Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

  • 🍑 High in sugar, acids, vitamins B and C, minerals, and pectin.

  • 🍑 Eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, jams, jellies, chutneys, pies, tarts, and wine

  • Popular as a natural sweetener and for creating sauces.

  • 🍑 Grown in Japan for over 1,000 years. In China, represents gold and wealth, often included in auspicious displays or offerings for prosperity💰

📚 Learn more about Loquats
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒Start your fruit garden with Loquats

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like

 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like
🧡 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? It's Golden Loquat – the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like apricots!

  • 🍑 Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree.

  • 🍑 Heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer.

  • 🍑 Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

  • 🍑 High in sugar, acids, vitamins B and C, minerals, and pectin.

  • 🍑 Eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, jams, jellies, chutneys, pies, tarts, and wine

  • Popular as a natural sweetener and for creating sauces.

  • 🍑 Grown in Japan for over 1,000 years. In China, represents gold and wealth, often included in auspicious displays or offerings for prosperity💰

📚 Learn more about Loquats
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒Start your fruit garden with Loquats

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like

 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like
🧡 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? It's Golden Loquat – the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like apricots!

  • 🍑 Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree.

  • 🍑 Heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer.

  • 🍑 Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

  • 🍑 High in sugar, acids, vitamins B and C, minerals, and pectin.

  • 🍑 Eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, jams, jellies, chutneys, pies, tarts, and wine

  • Popular as a natural sweetener and for creating sauces.

  • 🍑 Grown in Japan for over 1,000 years. In China, represents gold and wealth, often included in auspicious displays or offerings for prosperity💰

📚 Learn more about Loquats
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒Start your fruit garden with Loquats

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals