Dischidia minor - Kadul, Button Orchid

Dischidia minor - Kadul, Button Orchid

Groundcover and low-growing 2ft plantVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeModerate waterEpiphyte plantOrnamental foliage

Climbing by attaching its roots to the host tree, this epiphyte can reach a height 9 ft. It has pendent stems, and small button-like, silver-grey leaves. This little vine has cute little coin shaped leaves. It can be grown as a hanging basket or pot, or on moss or bark. It likes bright light but not direct sun over the plant. The mix needs to be kept moderately dry between waterings. They don't like too much water and misting the plant once or twice a week should do the job. Liquid feeding once a month with half strength is adequate. It is also good for terrariums.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Orchidasm - Rapid Growth Booster
Grown in
4-6" pot
10 plants in stock