Calathea loeseneri - Brazilian Star Calathea

Calathea loeseneri - Brazilian Star Calathea

Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeShadeRegular waterOrnamental foliageWhite, off-white flowersPink flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds

This Brazilian Calathea is one of the very few with showy flowers. The large leaves are quite attractive and they remind of a peacock ginger (Kaempferia). The leaves are light green with a white midrib. The white/pinkish flowers are 3" produced on long stems. The blooms are very showy above the foliage. This is a rarely offered plant. Makes an excellent container plant for shady locations.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
Grown in
6"/1gal pot