Pithecellobium dulce (guatemalensis) - Manilla Tamarind

Pithecellobium dulce (guatemalensis) - Manilla Tamarind

Small tree 10-20 ftFull sunModerate waterWhite, off-white flowersThorny or spinyEdible plantDeciduous plant

Sweet Tamarind, Manila Tamarind. Old nale Pithecellobium guatemalensis. Sweet pods resembling green peas, kids love it! Very easy to grow tree, drought tolerant. Dense ornamental foliage.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster

Buy together promotion:
32 oz (1 qt, 946 ml)
Sale $14.95
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500 ml (16 oz)
Sale $9.95
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Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
8 Plants in stock