TopTropicals in Thailand

Thai plants: from botanical gardens, nurseries and markets - page 3

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Variegated rhapis palm


Hyophorbe lagenicaulis x verschaffeltii
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis x verschaffeltii


Veitchia aurea - Golden Veitchia


Veitchia aurea - Golden Veitchia
Veitchia aurea - Golden Veitchia seeds
Veitchia aurea - Golden Veitchia
Veitchia aurea - Golden Veitchia


Vallaris glabra - Bread Flower








Very fragrant, with thorns










Has highly perfumed flowers






Very similar to b. lactea, but flowers have longer tubes


Wrightia religiosa Floribunda - single flower


Blooming in 1 gal container


Thunbergia sp. (similar to t. erecta, but larger and more delicate leaves)


Leaves turn always white in bright sun


Hibiscus sp.
Hibiscus sp.
Hibiscus sp.
Hibiscus sp.

Euodia ridleyi


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