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How to get variegated vanilla bananas.
Discovering natural banana with seeds

Variegated Banana video

with Fermin Garcia

We got a variegated banana from Thailand, planted it at our farm and started fertilizing with our famous Sunshine Rubusta (featured in our earlier blog: Sunshine Boosters Winter Use - The magic fertilizer in action.

In just a few months, it grew into a massive banana tree - one of the largest we've ever seen! Soon, a flower spike appeared, followed by variegated bananas. As they ripened, they turned yellow and developed a sweet vanilla flavor, with seeds! These are natural bananas, not modified. In today's video, we’re showing how we harvested the fruit, tasted it, and discovered the seeds...

We’ve named this banana Fermin's Vanilla Delight Banana (Musa x paradisiaca). Fermin planted the seeds and we hope to have these plants soon. Add item 6379 to your wishlist and be the first to know when they're ready!

Variegated Banana video

Use Sunshine Robusta magic fertilizer to have your bananas (and everything else) grow like crazy! It is safe to use all Sunshine Boosters year around with every watering.

Sunshine Rubusta and C-Cibus with bananas

Check out different banana varieties we have at TopTropicals - delivered to your door!

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