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Ten top fruiting plants you'll ever need
for your health benefits

Top Tropicals Fruit

Q: I planted Mango and Avocado trees, and I still have room for more trees but want to use the space wisely. What other trees should I plant to get the most benefits out of the fruit?

A: Everyone loves planting Mango or Avocado trees for their well-known benefits. But did you know that adding a variety of other fruit trees to your garden can expand those benefits even more? If you plant just one of each of these 10 trees, you'll have a complete spectrum of nutrients and health-boosting ingredients you ever need. With a diverse range of healthy fruits, you'll boost your diet, improve your health, and elevate your lifestyle. Let's check out the TOP TEN most rewarding and useful fruit...

1. Guava

Guava fruit

Guava is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and helps protect against colds and infections.
Guava helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it a good option for people with diabetes.
Its potassium content helps maintain healthy blood pressure.
Guava's antioxidants, like lycopene and vitamin C, contribute to glowing skin and may reduce the risk of cancer.
Guava is eaten fresh, made into juices, jams, and jellies, or added to desserts and smoothies.

2. Coffee

Coffee fruit

Coffee is widely enjoyed as a beverage and is used in various desserts and drinks.
It is rich in antioxidants, which may reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases.
It improves focus and mental alertness due to its caffeine content.
Coffee boosts metabolism and aid in fat burning, supporting weight management.

3. Noni

Noni fruit

Noni is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce joint pain and arthritis symptoms.
Fresh noni fruit and juice are popular in traditional herbal medicine and drinks.
It boosts the immune system due to its rich vitamin C content.
Noni juice is used traditionally to improve digestion and fight infections.

4. Papaya

Papaya fruit

Papaya is a popular ingredient in salads, smoothies, and tropical desserts.
It contains enzymes like papain that aid digestion and reduce bloating.
It is high in vitamin C and vitamin A, the antioxidants in papaya may protect against heart disease and reduce cancer risk.

5. Banana

Persimmon fruit

Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and supports heart health.
They provide a quick source of energy and are great for post-workout recovery.
The fiber in bananas aids digestion and promotes gut health.
East them fresh, add to smoothies, bake into breads and desserts, or use in various savory dishes.

6. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is often used in smoothies, fruit salads, and refreshing drinks.
It is high in fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health. Low in calories and packed with nutrients, it's great for weight management.

7. Tamarind

Tamarind fruit

Tamarind is a common ingredient in sauces, chutneys, and beverages.
Rich in antioxidants, it protects the liver and reduces inflammation.
It contains natural compounds that help lower cholesterol and improve heart health. Tamarind has a mild laxative effect, aiding digestion and relieving constipation.

8. Loilita (Surinam) Cherry

Surinam cherry fruit

Surinam cherry is rich in vitamin C, boosting the immune system and skin health.
Its antioxidants reduce inflammation and protect against free radical damage. It contains fiber, which supports healthy digestion.
Surinam cherries are used in jams, sauces, and desserts or eaten fresh.

9. Nescafe


Nescafe - Mucuna pruriens - is used in herbal supplements or ground into powder for teas and health drinks.
It is known for its potential to boost dopamine levels, improving mood and reducing stress.
It supports cognitive function, muscle growth and increases energy levels.

10. Loquat

Loquat fruit

Loquat are very popular and are eaten fresh or used in making jams, jellies, pies, and fruit salads.
Loquat is rich in vitamin A, supporting eye health. It contains antioxidants that help fight inflammation and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The fiber in loquats aids digestion and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

By planting these 10 diverse fruit trees, you’ll not only enjoy a delicious and abundant harvest but also ensure your garden provides all the nutrients needed for a healthier, more vibrant life.


How good is Avocado Black Prince?

Black Prince Avocado

Black Prince Avocado

Black Prince Avocado fruit

Black Prince Avocado fruit

🥇 How good is Avocado Black Prince?
  • 🥑 We obtained Black Prince Avocado variety last year and at first didn't know much about it. Until we tried the first fruit! The fruit was large, oval, green and slightly pebbly. We were not sure if it would taste like some green avocados - watery and less buttery?
  • 🥑 The fruit turned black couple days after it was picked, ripened and softened. We were pleasantly surprised, Black Prince deserves its title!
  • 🥑 The fruit pulp is thick, and has a rich, nutty flavor. The little trees grew this year vigorously and didn't show any bug or deficiency problems. Superior variety for a backyard grower! Giving it 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 🥑 We have Black Prince Avocado in 3 gal pots, as well as in XX-Large size for local pick up - for those who want a large fruiting size tree, please contact our Garden Center to pre-order from our Growing Farm (B-Farm). It can be delivered and installed for you!

⁉️ Why grow your own Avocado tree? This is why:

🥑 Now we import 89% of the U.S. avocado from Mexico! How much of a difference we could make if we were all growing our own avocados? Support our own horticulture, help Avocado to become grown in the USA!

🛒 Shop Avocado trees


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Which fertilizer to use: Organic or Inorganic?

Sunshine Boosters

Sunshine Boosters

Inorganic fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers



💩 Which fertilizer to use: Organic or Inorganic?

ℹ️ Fertilizers help plants grow. They give plants nutrients they need. There are two types of fertilizers:

🐮 Organic Fertilizers:
  • · Made from natural materials: compost, manure, plant waste.
  • · Good for the soil and environment.
  • · Release nutrients slowly, which helps plants over time.

🧪 Inorganic Fertilizers:
  • · Made from chemicals in factories.
  • · Can give plants quick nutrients.
  • · Might harm the soil and environment over time.

Pros of Organic Fertilizers:
  • · Better for the health of the soil.
  • · Helps good microorganisms live in the soil.
  • · Safer for pets and kids.

  • 🔴Cons of Inorganic Fertilizers:

· Can cause pollution.
· Might make soil unhealthy if used too much.

🟢 Sunshine Boosters is your ultimate solution:
  • based on organic fertilizers (organic amino-acids).
  • help plants grow strong and healthy without harming the environment.
  • make the soil better, support friendly bugs, and are safe for everyone.
  • Using Sunshine Boosters means you’re taking care of your plants and the planet!

📚 Learn more, with charts:
Organic or inorganic fertilizers, which is best?

🛒 Shop Sunshine Boosters


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Why the Purple Tango of Jacaranda is so hypnotizing

Jacaranda Tree flowers

Jacaranda Tree flowers

Jacaranda Tree flowers

Jacaranda Tree flowers

Jacaranda Tree

Jacaranda Tree

💃 Why the Purple Tango of Jacaranda is so hypnotizing
  • 💜 The Jacaranda Tree enchants with its stunning purple-blue trumpet-shaped blooms that create a mesmerizing, lilac carpet when they fall.
  • 💜 A true spectacle of spring, its fern-like leaves and fast-growing nature make it perfect for landscaping. It’s often compared to dancing in the streets of Buenos Aires or Pretoria, where Jacarandas paint the cities in a dazzling purple.
  • 💜 This tree is not just eye candy but a symbol of wisdom, rebirth, and good fortune, rooted in legend and tradition.

📚 Learn more:

🛒 Plant your own Purple Jacaranda tree


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Why this tree grows in almost in every yard of Central Florida

Tibouchina granulosa - Glory tree

Why this tree grows in almost in every yard of Central Florida
  • 🔖 Tibouchina granulosa - Glory tree is a dazzling addition to every southern garden!
  • 🔖 Also known as the Purple Spray Tree, it puts on a spectacular show with its velvet-like, deep purple blossoms that bloom from late Summer through Winter. These flowering panicles completely cover the tree, creating a breathtaking display of color that turns heads!
  • 🔖 In Highlands County, Florida (where our farm is located), this tree is the gem of nearly every garden, and for good reason. With its long-lasting blooms and tropical charm, it's a must-have for anyone looking to add vibrant beauty to their landscape.
  • 🔖 When you ask the neighbors why they planted this tree, they always answer: "Everyone must have one!"

📚 More Tibouchinas in previous posts:

🛒 Shop Tibouchinas

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What is the Jasmine Oil made of?

French Perfume Jasmine, Poets jasmine (Jasminum officinale)

What is the Jasmine Oil made of?
  • 🌞 French Perfume Jasmine, or Poets jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is the most popular jasmine in the world as it is the source of the original Jasmine essential oil.
  • 🌞 There are two varieties - with single flower (Jasminum x grandiflorum - it has larger size flower and is more rare) and double flower ( Jasminum officinale Flore Pleno). They are very hard to tell apart when not in bloom as the leaves look the same, but the flowers differ (see video).
  • 🌞 Essential oil of this jasmine is one of the most important components in perfumery.
  • 🌞 Grown in the perfume fields of Southern France.
  • 🌞 Semi-evergreen to deciduous vine with lots of fragrant white flowers in spring, summer, and fall.
  • 🌞 Drought tolerant and hardy, it has good tolerance to a wide range of temperatures and is easily maintained in pots.
  • 🌞 Jasmine associates nicely with climbing roses, honeysuckle or clematis, but it looks superb grown on its own.

🎥 The difference between the double and single flower varieties.

🛒 Shop French Perfume Jasmine

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How to add flowering vines to the landscape

Urechites lutea (Pentalinon luteum) - Yellow Mandevilla

🔍 How to add flowering vines to the landscape
  • 🍀 Vines, by their nature, are almost always climbers. There are also some that make good hanging flower vines for your baskets hanging under trees or on the front porch.
  • 🍀 Some vines are also in the fruit category. The Passiflora is a beautiful perennial climbing vine that has very showy flowers and then a fruit that can be eaten off the vine or made into a wonderful juice. It would make a nice fast growing vine for a fence or trellis. The Barbados Gooseberry also falls into this category.
  • 🍀 One of the most popular fast growing flowering vines is the trumpet vine - Allamanda. It is an evergreen vine and will take some cold without damage, although it is still considered a tropical flowering vine. It can be grown as a large shrub or small tree and makes a beautiful focal point in the landscape.
  • 🍀 If you have some large trees in your yard, a great climbing vine for shade that also produces a usable product is the Pepper family. Yes, they flower and yes some of them produce pepper that you can use in your kitchen. If you like to know what is in your food, grow your own!
  • 🍀 Another perennial, fast growing and evergreen climbing vine is the Monstera. Monsteras will climb the side of a large tree and can produce an edible fruit after a few years. It is very tropical looking, but will take some cool nights as it is protected under the canopy of the tree.

🎥 Urechites lutea (Pentalinon luteum) - Yellow Mandevilla

🛒 Shop flowering vines

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How to choose the right flowering trees for your landscape

Phymosia umbellata - Cranberry Malva Aparasolada

🔍 How to choose the right flowering trees for your landscape
  • 🌷 There are so many flowering and blooming trees to choose from, where should you start? Well there are plenty of questions to ask and several answers for each.
  • 🌷 Are you looking for trees that bloom in winter or are you looking for summer flowering trees? Maybe you are looking for the fastest growing shade tree. The choices are endless. Depending on your answer, there may be several trees that meet your needs.
  • 🌷 One good place for beginners and even seasoned growers is to use the search features in our Top Tropicals Plant Encyclopedia. Here you can search by name, size, growth habit, light requirements, watering needs, color of bloom and cold hardiness.
  • 🌷 You will be able to search for trees that attract butterflies and even those that are salt tolerant if you live near the ocean.
  • 🌷 If you choose the small tree category, you will find small flowering trees and even dwarf flowering trees or bonsai starters.

🎥 Phymosia umbellata - Cranberry Malva Aparasolada

🛒 Shop flowering trees

#Trees #How_to

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How Turks Cap can be full of snow in Summer

Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata -

Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata - "Summer Snow"

Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata -

Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata - "Summer Snow"

Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata - "Summer Snow"

❄️ How Turk's Cap can be full of snow in Summer
  • ⛄️ Malvaviscus x penduliflorus Variegata - "Summer Snow"- is very rare variegated variety Turk's Cap, or Firecracker Hibiscus.
  • ⛄️ Almost ever-blooming, this shrub looks much like a hibiscus (to which it is closely related) which flowers are ready to open. In fact, the flowers never open much, hence the common name of Sleepy Hibiscus.
  • ⛄️ It blooms often, and the flowers attract hummingbirds. The 2 inch long tubular flowers appear to be constructed of crimson crepe paper as they nod against the large variegated leaves.
  • ⛄️ Some leaves can be completely white! The little tree looks like a decorated Christmas tree!
  • ⛄️ Can be kept compact shape and is good for container culture and bonsai.

🛒 Order Summer Snow

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Im so tired, I could sleep standing up in a hurricane

Im so tired, I could sleep standing up in a hurricane
🙃 "I'm so tired, I could sleep standing up in a hurricane."

😶 Get a good rest tonight. Good night...

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