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What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits!

What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits! What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits! What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits! What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits!
🥂 What fruit can you drink? Costa Rican Cas is the Guava for Drinking, yet with a bonus of health benefits!

  • 🥝 The fruit of Cas Guava (Psidium friedrichsthalianum) has unusual tart flavor with passionfruit and pineapple tones, more pronounced than common Guava🍍

  • 🥝 Cas Guava used in pies, salads, fresh juices, ice-cream, jams, and as a base for the refreshing drink Fresco de Cas!🍹

  • 🥝 High pectin content makes firm jellies.

  • 🥝 Hydrating and low glycemic index, suitable for those mindful of sugar consumption.

  • 🥝 Rich source of fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, phosphorus, potassium, copper, vitamin A, and folic acid.

  • 🥝 This small tree or bush is very fast growing and undemanding, usually pest free (unlike most Guavas that can be very bugsy).

  • 🥝 Tolerates hot summers and short frosts, appreciates well-drained soils.

  • 🥝 Easy to grow, drought-tolerant once established, suitable for container cultivation.

  • 🥝 Seedlings start flowering and fruiting at a young age, typically 2-3 years old from seed.

📚 Learn more about Cas Guava

🛒Order Cas Guava

#Food_Forest #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood

What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood
🤴 What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood...

  • 🫘 Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea - existed for more than 4800 year! It's been widely consumed in South Asia, South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Documented in India since 2,800 BC; reached Ancient Egypt around 2,200 BC.

  • 🫘 Provides flavorful, nutritious, and healthy food, with potential to become widely popular like Japanese sushi 🍱

  • 🫘 It is a showy perennial woody shrub or small tree, 4-8 ft tall, with soft leaves. Can be grown in container

  • 🫘Pretty flowers are yellow, with purple or red streaks, pods containing oval to round seeds.

  • 🫘 Many culinary uses: the tasty and healthy beans used in rice dishes, soups, stews, tempeh, tofu. Unripe pods eaten in curries, leaves and young shoots cooked as a vegetable.

  • 🫘 Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins (B, C, E, K), and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc).

  • 🫘 Medicinal value: various folk medicinal uses for sores, bladderstones, jaundice, skin irritations, bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, toothache, dysentery, and more.
  • 🫘 Everyone can grow it! The plant is super easy, tolerates poor soils, drought tolerant, improves soil quality like many other beans.

📚 Learn more about Pigeon Pea

🛒Grow your own Pigeon Pea Superfood

#Food_Forest #Remedies #Container_Garden #Fun_Facts

🏵 TopTropicals


Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!

Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!
🥒 Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are "candles"! 🕯

  • 🕯 This bizarre tree is a conversation piece and every plant collector should have one!

  • 🕯 Parmentiera edulis - Candle Tree, or Guahalote - is a highly ornamental tree with interesting leaves, pretty cream flowers and...ready?

  • 🕯One foot long fruits resembling a greenish-yellow cucumbers or candles that hang off the tree!

  • 🕯Juicy fruit is edible and has a sweet flavor similar to sugar cane. Eaten raw or cooked; used to make pickles or preserves

  • 🕯The fruit is a remedy for colds; roots used as a diuretic.

  • 🕯Easy to grow and not fussy about conditions. Cold tolerant to light frost.

🎥 10 Plants That Will Make You Happy. Plant #2: Candle Tree.

🛒Get your own Candle Tree

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Nature_Wonders #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


Cat of the Day - Snitch

 Cat of the Day - Snitch
🐈 Cat of the Day - Snitch.

Snitch is our office helper and herbs expert.

"Make sure to tell your cats all the truth about Catnip"

Get some herb tea and have a good sleep!🌜

🛒 Shop Tropical Herbs and Spices for #Remedies

📸 😺 👇 Share your cats in comments!

🐾 More #PeopleCats in our Garden:

🏵 TopTropicals


18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb?

18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb?
🥬 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 🍲

  • 🌿 Arugula - Green salads, pasta sauce
  • 🌿 Balm - Iced drinks, salads, poultry stuffing
  • 🌿 Basil - Tomato salad, any past dish? home-made pesto, garnish
  • 🌿 Catnip - Sauces and stews, for tea
  • 🌿 Chervil - Soups, green salads, as a garnish
  • 🌿 Chives - Cream cheese, potato salad, green salads, sauces
  • 🌿 Cilantro - Stews, rice, salads, salsa
  • 🌿 Dill - Fish dishes, pickles, ptato salad
  • 🌿 Lemon grass - Oriental stir-fry, for tea
  • 🌿 Marjoram - Italian dishes, stews, soups
  • 🌿 Mint - Add to potatoes, peas, cucumber, carrots, mint sauce, mint tea
  • 🌿 Oregano - Italian and Greek dishes, green salad
  • 🌿 Parsley - Butters, pasta dishes, as garnish
  • 🌿 Rosemary - BBQ, roast lamb/chicken, fish, fried/baked potatoes
  • 🌿 Sage - Stuffing, add to poultry, mix with cream cheese
  • 🌿 Sorrel - Soup, serve with fish, pastries
  • 🌿 Tarragon - Fish, chicken, sauces
  • 🌿 Thyme - Stocks and stews, add to pasta

📸 Basil, Catnip, Rosemary, Oregano, Cilantro, Sage, Terragon, Lemon grass, Mint, Thyme

🛒 Shop tropical herbs and spices

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


What are the health benefits of Gardening?

 What are the health benefits of Gardening?
🥦 What are the health benefits of Gardening?

Therapeutic effect of gardening is not just a modern discovery. Throughout history, various cultures have recognized the mental and physical benefits of gardening...

🏺 In ancient Egypt, physicians prescribed walks through gardens for patients struggling with mental health issues.

🕯 During the Middle Ages in Europe, monastery gardens were designed not only for sustenance but also for meditation and relaxation.

🔮 Gardening has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

😅 The physical activity involved in gardening also provides exercise, contributing to overall health.

🌳 So, whether you're tending to a small indoor herb garden or cultivating a vast outdoor plot, the act of gardening can be a powerful tool for both mental and physical wellness.

🛒 Shop tropical spice plants and herbs 🥗

#Edible_Forest #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


Why Noni is a superfood?

Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood?
💪 Why Noni is a superfood?

We mentioned Noni fruit in our previous post as a fruit that keeps you young.

This beautiful small tree with lush foliage is very undemanding, and can be grown as a houseplant.

What is the secret of Noni power?

Noni juice, derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree, has many medicinal effects:
  1. Antioxidant properties: lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effects: help conditions like arthritis.
  3. Immune system support: immune-boosting due to its high content of vitamin C and other compounds, reducing the risk of infections.
  4. Digestive health: improves digestion and regularity.
  5. Pain relief: joint pain, headaches, and cramps.
  6. Cardiovascular health: lowers cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation
  7. Liver health: protects the liver from damage caused by toxins and free radicals
  8. Anti-cancer properties: may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells
  9. Skin health: soothes irritated skin, promote wound healing

    10 Energy and vitality: boosts energy levels, improves stamina.

  10. 🛒 Get your own Noni Tree

    #Food_Forest #Container_Garden #Remedies

    🏵 TopTropicals


Cat of the Day - Mr B

🐈 Cat of the Day - Mr B.

Did you know that Lemon Grass freshens your pet's breath? Mr B knows. He is the fan. He doesn't brush his teeth before going to bed, but claims he has a lemon-fresh breath. Good night!🌜

📸 😺 👇 Share your cats in comments!

🛒 And get some Lemon Grass - a versatile performer in the kitchen where it can be used in teas, beverages, herbal medicines, Eastern inspired soups and other dishes.

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#Remedies #Food_Forest

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Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!
🌴 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

TopTropicals.com - the World's leading authority on tropical plants - is now in Telegram. If you grow a tropical garden or indoor collection of rare plants, this is your channel!

Join to get exclusive updates on tropical gardening:

🪼 Fun Facts and Nature Wonders
🌺 How to make your plants flower and stay happy
🥭 How to get the biggest fruit crop
🏆 Sweepstakes and Contests
🦋 Butterfly and Container Garden
🥗 Food Forest
⚜️ Perfume Plants
🍲 Exotic Recipes and Remedies
...and of course, your favorite -
🐾 PeopleCats in the Garden!

JOIN and share with friends! 👇

🏵 TopTropicals
We Grow Happiness


Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!
🌴 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

TopTropicals.com - the World's leading authority on tropical plants - is now in Telegram. If you grow a tropical garden or indoor collection of rare plants, this is your channel!

Join to get exclusive updates on tropical gardening:

🪼 Fun Facts and Nature Wonders
🌺 How to make your plants flower and stay happy
🥭 How to get the biggest fruit crop
🏆 Sweepstakes and Contests
🦋 Butterfly and Container Garden
🥗 Food Forest
⚜️ Perfume Plants
🍲 Exotic Recipes and Remedies
...and of course, your favorite -
🐾 PeopleCats in the Garden!

JOIN and share with friends! 👇

🏵 TopTropicals
We Grow Happiness