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The Benefits of Companion Planting

Landscaped garden with companion planting

Q: What is companion planting?

A: Companion planting is a gardening technique that involves planting different crops or types of plants together in a way that benefits all plants. This practice has been used for centuries, and it can be especially useful in tropical gardens where there is a diversity of plant life: trees, shrubs, vines and climbers, ground covers, fruit and edibles, and different flowering ornamentals. It is a great way to improve the health and yield of fruit tree crops while reducing the need for fertilizers and pesticides. By choosing the right companion plants and planning your garden layout carefully, you can create a vibrant and diverse ecosystem that will benefit both your plants and the environment.

Companion planting involves:

Planting different crops together to repel insects: adding such plants as Lemon grass, Patchouli leaf, or Moujean Tea near your vegetables can deter aphids and other pests.

Attracting pollinators - Butterfly plants. Many tropical crops, such as passion fruit, papaya, mango, and avocado, rely on pollinators to produce fruit. Companion planting can help to attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to your garden.

Providing nutrients to the soil, adding mulch and low growing plants (ground covers) to preserve moisture.

Planting a variety of different types of plants together in order to create a more resilient ecosystem that is less susceptible to pests and diseases.

To get started, plan your garden layout and choose companion plants with similar water and light requirements.
For example, plant in the same group lush foliage plants, gingers, and flowering brunfelsias in shady areas; plant jasmines and gardenias in full sun and very well-drained spots.
Rotate annual crops regularly and experiment with combinations to find what works best. By doing this, you can create a thriving ecosystem that benefits both your plants and the environment, reducing the need for harmful chemicals.

Landscaped front yard with companion planting

Buddah and flowers


Seven reasons to use Sunshine Boosters fertilizers



Q: I used horse manure for my veggies garden but it caused mold and burned my plants. I've heard of Sunshine boosters as a good organic alternative. What are the benefits of Sunshine Boosters fertilizers?

A: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers can be a good choice for gardeners who want to promote healthy plant growth, while also considering the environment. The brand offers a wide range of formulations and high-quality ingredients to meet the specific needs of different types of plants, making it easier for gardeners to achieve the results they want.

Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are a good choice for several reasons:

1. Improved plant growth: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers contain essential nutrients that plants need to grow healthy and strong, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients can help improve plant growth and increase crop yields.

2. Balanced nutrition: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are formulated to provide plants with a balanced ratio of nutrients. This means that the nutrients are present in the right proportions to promote healthy growth and development.

3. Environmentally friendly: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are made from natural and organic ingredients, which can be beneficial for the environment. These fertilizers may also be safer for pets and children who may come into contact with them.

4. High-quality ingredients: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are made with high-quality ingredients that are carefully selected to provide the best possible nutrition for plants. The brand uses a variety of ingredients to create a well-balanced fertilizer that is suitable for a range of plants.

5. Improved plant health: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers contain a range of beneficial nutrients, such as micronutrients, amino acids, and enzymes, which can help to improve overall plant health. This can lead to stronger plants that are more resistant to pests and diseases.

6. Sustainable and eco-friendly: Sunshine Boosters' fertilizers are made with natural and organic ingredients, which can be more environmentally friendly than synthetic fertilizers.

7. Easy to use: Sunshine Boosters fertilizers are easy to use. The brand also offers detailed instructions and resources on their website to help gardeners use their fertilizers effectively.

Organic vegetables


Five benefits of growing your own Pineapple

Pineapple plant with a fruit and a beautiful girl Kristi

Q: Can I grow my own pineapple fruit?

A: Growing a Pineapple plant - Ananas comosus - is a fun and rewarding experience that offers both visual and practical benefits:

1. Fresh, homegrown fruit: One of the main benefits of growing a pineapple plant is that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor by harvesting fresh, delicious pineapples right from your own backyard.

2. Aesthetic appeal: Pineapple plants are visually appealing with their long, spiky green leaves and bright, vibrant fruits. They can add a tropical, exotic touch to any garden or indoor space.

3. Low maintenance: Pineapple plants are relatively easy to grow and require minimal maintenance. They can tolerate a variety of soil and light conditions and don't require frequent watering or fertilization.

4. Health benefits: Pineapple fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can provide a range of health benefits, including improved digestion, boosted immunity, and reduced inflammation. It is recommended to eat a slice of a pineapple after every meal to keep healthy digestive system.

5. Collectable varieties: The pineapple plant can be easily propagated by cutting off the top of a pineapple fruit. However, for those seeking excellent quality, it is recommended to choose superior hybrids from professional growers. Become the proud owner of "The King of Fruits" collection! It takes up minimal space and provides fresh fruit throughout the year.

Read more about Pineapple: The most luscious Hospitality Fruit - Pineapple.

Remember to add Sunshine Ananas fertilizer to your purchase for a long lasting Pineapple crop season.

Pineapple fruit growing on plants


Colocasia vs Alocasia

Cats with elephant ears

Q: What is the difference between Alocasia and Colocasia? They both are called Elephant Ears...

A: Alocasia and Colocasia are exotic tropical-looking plants with large, arrow- or heart-shaped leaves resembling elephant ears, hence the common name. They are both members of the Araceae family and are often confused with each other due to their similar appearance. The key differences between the two plants:

Leaf shape: The leaves of Alocasia are typically arrowhead-shaped and have a more elongated appearance. The leaves of Colocasia, on the other hand, are more heart-shaped and broader.

Leaf texture: Alocasia leaves have a smooth, glossy texture, while Colocasia leaves are typically more matte and have a slightly rough texture.

Stem color: The stems of Alocasia plants are typically green, while the stems of Colocasia plants are usually purplish, dark or almost black.

Growing conditions: Alocasia plants prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil, prefering to stay on a dry side, while Colocasia plants prefer partial to full shade and moist soil.

Hardiness: Colocasia plants are generally more cold-hardy than Alocasia plants and can tolerate colder temperatures. Both Alocasia and Colocasia may go dormant in Winter especially in cooler climates, and grow new leaves in Spring.

Elephant Ears are absolutely gorgeous tropical plants. They add bold texture, tropical flair, and thrive in filtered light, making it a unique and low maintenance addition to any garden, especially shaded locations.

Xanthosoma violaceum

Colocasia in water


Cat Horoscope

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

This year (March 2023) we are celebrating Alex's 75th Anniversary and her 20 years with TopTropicals. Here is a note from Alex...

Alex Cat

Aries Cats 3/21-4/20

Cats eating grass

The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption...More >>

The Aries Cats are a highly competitive and may initiate fights with other cats. With a natural inclination for combat, they may even confront dogs, humans, or even a giraffe...
...Tickling an Aries Cat's tummy can lead to an attack as they're also known to be biters...
...Aries Cats are adventurous and love to challenge themselves physically. They'll seek out the highest spots in the house, even if it scares their humans...
...Aries Cats love tall, well-branched trees that are good for climbing, and are rather indifferent to bright flowers and fragrant plants... But on the other hand, they adore the soft, juicy grass on which it is so pleasant to lie down and rest after all their athletic feats and fighting duels...
...One of the best things about the Aries Cats is that they make their priorities clear. With them, you'll always know your place, as they believe they come first, and you don’t....

Cats eating grass

Plant Zodiac for humans

Aries lucky Zodiac plant, Oncoba


How to grow Calathea indoors

Calathea zebrina - Zebra Plant

In the photo: Calathea zebrina - Zebra Plant

Calathea is a beautiful and popular houseplant known for its unique and colorful foliage. Here are the steps to grow calathea indoors:

1. Choose a suitable location: Calathea plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight, so choose a location near a window with filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.
2. Select a pot that is slightly larger than the plant's root ball and has drainage holes. Fill the pot with a well-draining potting mix that is rich in organic matter. Plant at the same depth as it was in its previous pot.
3. Water: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Use room temperature water and avoid using hard water or water that contains high levels of minerals.
4. Provide humidity: Calathea plants thrive in humid conditions, so provide them with regular misting or place a tray of water near the plant to increase humidity. You can also use a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels.
5. Fertilize: Apply Sunshine Boosters liquid fertilizer. It is safe to feed the plant with Rubusta formula with every watering and year around. Feeding plants is especially important in Spring when active growth starts.
6. Prune any yellow or damaged leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy and attractive. Use clean, sharp scissors to make clean cuts.

By following these steps, you can successfully grow a beautiful and healthy Calathea plant and any beautiful container plant indoors.

Calathea makoyana - Peacock plant

In the photo: Calathea makoyana - Peacock plant


Mark your calendars: March 25
Hello Spring! Plant Market

Hello Spring! Plant Market at Top Tropicals

Saturday, March 25, 9 am - 4 pm

Join us for a celebration of Spring at our annual Spring Garden Festival! Immerse yourself in a world of colorful blooms, fragrant scents, and nature's beauty. Don't miss out on the opportunity to stroll through our gardens and nursery. Bring your friends and family for a day of fun in the sun!

Event agenda:

9 am - 4 pm: Plant Market. 20% OFF all plants. Raffle.
Gift bags - for first 25 customers with $50 order
Secret Garden: Super savings area 50% off
Avocado tree special (pricing includes event discount):
$55 - 3 gal, $95 - 7 gal, $143 - 15 gal
(pick up only, quote for delivery and installation)

Event discounts and specials valid at both locations:

Ft Myers Garden Center: 13890 Orange River, Ft Myers, FL
Sebring B-Farm: 9100 McRoy Rd, Sebring, FL

Facebook event page - Download invitation

Outlook.com - Office 365 - Google


Cat Zodiac
Pisces Cats 2/19-3/20

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Cat is swinging in a hammock

Watch TikTok video: Philemon and Bob are dreamers, not doers. Typical Pisces cats! Philemon was born 2/20, and Bob 3/13. They can swing in their hammock all day long!

The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption...More >>

Pisces Cats possess a remarkable ability to escape reality and enter alternate dimensions they can spend hours watching fish swim by... They explore the world with great curiosity... These cats are dreamers, not doers... Bright flowers with subtle scents should adorn their space, delectable grass can be chewed, and foliage creates shade and coolness for sweet dreams...

Orange cat chewing lemon grass

Cat catching a Gekko behind the screen

Watch TikTok video: Bob is trying to get a Gekko behind the screen (followed by Philemon's advice) and falls on Philemon's head...

Pisces lucky Zodiac plant


How to move plants from indoors to outdoors

Cat with indoor plant hiding behind curtain

Q: When moving my tropical plant collection outside in the garden, what do I need to know to get them adjusted to this change?

A: As a tropical plant gardener, it's important to assess the temperatures outside before moving your plants outdoors. Most tropical plants thrive in sustained temperatures above 60F.
Moving your plants outside during the summer creates optimal growing conditions for sun-loving plants, providing them with more light and warmth than they can ever get inside. This active time of growth, along with the outdoor conditions of humidity, heat, sunlight, and natural day length, gives the plant a chance to experience growth in an outdoor environment, making for a much stronger plant.
However, be aware of sun burn. Direct sunlight can burn patches of white or brown on the surface of the tender leaves, so it's best to move your plants outside by hardening them off first. Gradually increase the amount of direct sunlight they receive over several days before moving them into full sun.
It's also a good time to prune your plants and repot them if needed, providing better aeration to the root system. But avoid root pruning as it can make your plant susceptible to disease and shock.
Overall, moving your tropical plants outside encourages their natural bloom cycle and provides extra vigor for the upcoming indoor season. However, be aware that you may have to deal with insects when you bring your plants back inside in the fall, so use preventive sprays like Sunshine NoBug before bringing them back inside. Leaf drop is also common when plants come back inside, so make sure to provide a well-lit location.
When moving plants outside, it's important to provide them with proper nutrients through fertilization. Outdoor conditions can deplete the soil of essential nutrients, so giving your plants a boost of fertilizer before moving them outside can help them acclimate to their new environment. Apply Sunshine Boosters with every watering, include micro-elements and bio stimulants to boost their immune system.

Sunshine Robusta Booster with lush foliage indoor plant


Top 5 butterfly attractors

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly"
Chuang Tzu (Taoist philosopher)

Newborn Butterfly

In the photo: yesterday we watched a butterfly born on one of our Champaka trees!

Q: What are the best butterfly attracting plants for a Southern garden?

A: If you love butterflies and if you enjoy having nature around your home, then plant a butterfly garden. Florida is a perfect place to create a year round and fully functioning butterfly garden. Caterpillars, which transform into butterflies, require special kinds of plants to feed upon and these plants grow extremely well in the South Florida and other subtropical areas. Below are the top five winners that butterflies appreciate the most. Besides, remember That all yellow flowers are attractive to them, for example Cassias. Butterflies like the Sun and everything that looks like the Sun!

  1. Calotropis gigantea - Giant milkweed, Arka
  2. Odontonema cuspidatum - Firespike
  3. Plumbago auriculata Imperial Blue
  4. Rondeletia leucophylla - Panama Rose
  5. Asclepias curassavica - Red Milkweed, Butterfly Weed

    Read more about Butterfly garden:

The Milkweed and the Monarch, how to raise your own
Musings of a butterfly gardener about the milkweed bug
Plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds

Odontonema cuspidatum - Firespike

In the photo: Odontonema cuspidatum - Firespike