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What is the most fragrant Brunfelsia?

Brunfelsias, often referred to as Lady of the Night

💐 What is the most fragrant Brunfelsia?

*The most fragrant Brunfelsias, often referred to as Lady of the Night, are the creamy-white varieties. These flowers begin to release their sweet, captivating aroma at sunset and continue to fill the air with fragrance throughout the night.

*Brunfelsias are wonderful shade-loving, compact flowering shrubs, making them perfect for adding beauty to shaded areas or for growing in containers.

*The most popular white Brunfelsias are: B, americana, B. nitida, B. lactea, B. manaca, B. densifolia, B. gigantea.

📚 Learn more about Brunfelsias:
Brunfelsia americana - Lady of the night
Brunfelsia isola
Lavender Marble Perfume
Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Brunfelsia from Brazil

🛍 Shop Brunfelsias

#Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits #Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

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Why this Hibiscus is changing color?

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

🌸 Why this Hibiscus is changing color?
  • 🌸 Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus - is an amazing winter bloomer that chances flower color! It opens pure white than gradually shifts to baby pink to dark pink over three days, much like the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia).
  • 🌸 As the blooms age, they take on a rich, deep pink hue, creating a stunning rainbow of colors on the bush all at once.
  • 🌸 Blossoms reach up to 5 inches across!

📚 From previous posts:
How hibiscus plant acts like a chameleon
How to make your Hibiscus plants thrive and bloom

🛒 Order Cotton Candy Hibiscus

#Hedges_with_benefits #Nature_Wonders

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When Brunfelsia is in bloom? Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

🌸 When Brunfelsia is in bloom? Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!

  • 🅱️ Purple-flowered Brunfelsias are at the peak of their bloom right now!

  • 🅱️ Known as Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow for their magical color transformation from purple to lavender to white over three days: B. grandiflora, B. paucifolia, B. australis.

  • 🅱️ Brunfelsias are wonderfully fragrant winter bloomers

  • 🅱️ Perfect flowering shrub for shaded areas

  • 🅱️ Ideal for growing in containers. Compact and graceful growers.

📚 Learn more about purple Brunfelsias:
The number one flower for shady spots
Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Brunfelsia from Brazil

Shop purple Brunfelsias - Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow

#Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits #Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

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Snowbird Holiday Special:
Fruiting and Flowering Tree Sale

Snowbird Special Santa Kitty with tropical plants

For online customers to match today's local sale

Can't make it to our Holiday Plant Market today? No worries, we've got you covered with a Snowbird Special! This online sale is perfect for all you winter wanderers heading to Florida - now's your chance to snag some gorgeous fruiting and flowering trees at a sweet discount.

Why wait to create your tropical paradise? Plant your winter garden now and enjoy exotic blooms and fruits all season long! Use the discount code below to get 15% off on our stunning selection of fruiting and flowering trees (and other plants!). Don't miss out - this deal is as sunny as Florida itself. Let your garden dreams take flight!


Online only. Min order $150. Excluding S/H. Exp. 12-17-24

Don't forget about FREE and DISCOUNTED SHIPPING
Limited time promotion ends soon!

Brunfelsia pauciflora Compacta - Dwarf Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow

Purple Brunfelsia - Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow - is the most spectacular winter blooming shrub! Showy flowers changing color from purple though pink to white within 3 days. Takes sun or shade. It can tolerate some light frost.


How hibiscus plant acts like a chameleon

Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus

👀 How hibiscus plant acts like a chameleon
  • 🌺 Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus - is the magical chameleon of the garden! This beauty opens with pure white flowers that gradually shift to bright pink over three days, much like the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia).
  • 🌺 As the blooms age, they take on a rich, deep pink hue, creating a stunning rainbow of colors on the bush all at once.
  • 🌺 With blossoms reaching up to 5 inches across, this hibiscus is as showy as it is unique.
  • 🌺 It's the perfect way to add a touch of dynamic color magic to your garden!

🛒 Order Cotton Candy Hibiscus

#Hedges_with_benefits #Nature_Wonders

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What happens when you cross Cream and Lavender?

runfelsia isola - Lavender Lady of the Night

💜 What happens when you cross Cream and Lavender?

The flowers of this rare hybrid that we mentioned earlier, Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night, are a "marble" twist of cream and purple, changing hue unpredictably. They are deliciously fragrant at night.

Brunfelsia isola is an unusual cross between B. americana and B. grandiflora. What a genetical surprise!

Brunfelsia isola has the benefit of fragrant cream-colored brunfelsia and light purple color from the other parent. 👫

💎 A gem for a rare plant collection of #Nature_Wonders!

🛒 Order Brunfelsia isola

#Perfume_Plants #Shade_Garden

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The number one flower for shady spots! Every tropical gardener wants Brunfelsias: the magical, fragrant shrubs of Day and Night

Brunfelsia lactea

Brunfelsia lactea

Brunfelsia australis

Brunfelsia australis

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia manaca

Brunfelsia manaca

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Brunfelsia paucifolia

Brunfelsia paucifolia

🌗 The number one flower for shady spots! Every tropical gardener wants Brunfelsias: the magical, fragrant shrubs of Day and Night.
  • 💠 Brunfelsias are truly enchanting tropical flowers. There are two groups - purple-flowered and cream/white-flowered.
  • 💠 All Brunfelsias are wonderfully fragrant.
  • 💠 Perfect flowering shrub for shaded areas; ideal for growing in containers.
  • 💠 Compact and graceful growers.
  • 💠 Purple-flowered are known as Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow for their magical color transformation from purple to lavender to white over three days. Examples: B. grandiflora, B. paucifolia, B. australis.
  • 💠 White-flowered: intensely fragrant at night, earning the name Lady of the Night.

  • Examples: B. americana, B. nitida, B. plicata, B. manaca.
  • 💠 Hybrids: A standout hybrid is Brunfelsia isola, that we mentioned earlier. It is blending the best of both purple and white varieties, inheriting purple color from the purple parent and night fragrance from the white one.

📚 Learn more about purple Brunfelsias:
Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Brunfelsia from Brazil

Shop different Brunfelsias

#Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits #Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


What is this Lavender Marble Perfume? Is it a possible combination?

Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

 Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

 Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

 Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night

🟣 What is this Lavender Marble Perfume? Is it a possible combination?

The flowers of this rare hybrid - Brunfelsia isola, or Lavender Lady of the Night, are a "marble" twist of cream and purple, changing hue unpredictably. They are deliciously fragrant at night.

❓ Why such an unusual combination?
  • 🌟 Nocturnum flowers (fragrant at night) are mostly white or off-white. This rare Brunfelsia is a cross between B. americana and B. grandiflora.
  • 🌟Brunfelsia isola has the benefit of fragrant cream-colored brunfelsia and light purple color from the other parent. 👫
  • 🌟 Flowers change sometimes to cream-yellow, remaining purple margins.

👑 A must have 1 for rare fragrant plant collection!

🛒 Order Brunfelsia isola

#Perfume_Plants #Nature_Wonders #Shade_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


Easy compact bush for sandy soil

Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana, Bird of Paradise

Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana, Bird of Paradise.

Q: Can you recommend a flowering bush that will be in full sun and in sandy soil. I do not want it to exceed 10 feet.

A: For a garden specimen bush that is medium size and tolerates poor soils, we can recommend to choose from the plants below. These are all easy to grow, not fussy about soil and water, and stay compact and require minimal or no trimming at all.

Calliandra surinamensis - Powderpuff - 6-8 ft
Hibiscus mutabilis Cotton Candy - Mallow Hibiscus - 5-6 ft
Dombeya seminole - Tropical Rose Hydrangea 4-6 ft
Allamanda schottii - Dwarf Allamanda Bush 3-4 ft
Brunfelsia pauciflora Compacta - Dwarf Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow - 4-5 ft
Calliandra schultzii - Dwarf calliandra - 4-5 ft
Plumbago auriculata Imperial Blue
Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana, Bird of Paradise - 2-4 ft
Hibiscus schizopetalus - Coral Hibiscus - 5-6 ft
Jatropha integerrima compacta - 4-5 ft
Clerodendrum bungei - Glory Bower - tolerates shade, 4-5 ft
Eranthemum pulchellum - Blue Sage, Lead Flower (prefers shade) - 4-5 ft
Magnolia figo - Banana Magnolia - small tree, 6-8 ft
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian plume (tolerates shade) - 5-6 ft
Tibouchina lepidota - Ecuador Princess, Jules Dwarf - 3-4 ft
Leonotis leonurus - Lions Ears - 3-4 ft

Also, for your further reference, check out the reference chart Hedges with Benefits Chart to see different flowering bushes that are great for hedges as well as garden specimens, depending on your specific needs.

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian plume

Megaskepasma erythrochlamys - Brazilian plume.

Brunfelsia pauciflora Compacta - Dwarf Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow

Brunfelsia pauciflora Compacta - Dwarf Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow.

 Leonotis leonurus - Lions Ears

Leonotis leonurus - Lions Ears.


What plants are good to order in Winter?

Christmas dog and night moon with snow

Photo above: Christmas time in Ukraine (left) and Florida (right)

Q: Are there any tropical plants that will do well if I order them in Winter? We just bought a house in New Jersey with a large sunroom, and I can't wait to fill it with tropical beauties! Should I wait until Spring, or do you have something for a Winter start?

A: This is indeed a very good question, as many tropical plant collectors grow their treasures outside the tropics. The short answer is - yes! You can start filling your tropical sunroom any time of the year, but some plants are easier to deal with in Winter than others. Below are some guidelines.

Winter bloomers: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis.

1. Plants that prefer Winter shipping to avoid overheating stress:
- All plants with lush foliage such as Philodendrons, Medinilla
- Trees with fine feathery leaves such as Moringa, Jacaranda, Poinciana
- Some fruit trees sensitive to overheating during shipping: Papaya, Stawberry Tree, Starfruit (Carambola), Bilimbi.

2. Subtropical plants that are relatively cold hardy
- Fruit trees: Loquats, Olives, Avocados, Tropical Cherries: Eugenia, Malpighia, Noni (more cold hardy than you may think), Canistel.
- Flowering trees: Champaka, Tabebuia.
- All Bananas
- see all relatively cold hardy plants

3. Winter-dormant and/or deciduous plants: Adeniums, Plumerias, Gingers, Sugar Apple , Peaches and Plums, June Plum and Hog Plum.
See all deciduous/winter dormant plants.

4. Orchids, including Ground Orchids.

5. Winter flowers. Keep in mind that many tropical plants are winter bloomers, and their flowering is most profuse in Winter months, so you can enjoy the blooms right away:
Dombeya, Thunbergia, Gloxinia, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Tibouchina, Barleria, Leonotis, Clerodendrums, Chinese Hat (Holmskioldia).
See all Winter bloomers.

Winter bloomers: Clerodendrum minahasse, Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia 

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Clerodendrum minahasse, Variegated Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia fruticosa

6. Winter plant care. During Winter the daylight is shorter and temperatures are cooler.
- Reduce watering
- Use only liquid amino-acid based fertilizer Sunshine Boosters (safe to use year around)
- Monitor insects.

7. Shipping in Winter. We ship year around. However, if it gets below freezing in your area, you may use FedEx Hold location, they are temperature controlled so you don't have to worry about a box being dropped off at your cold porch outside.

8. A note for mild climate residents. Most tropical plants can be planted in the ground year around. Some ultra-tropical tender species such Chocolate tree, Ylang Ylang, or small size Mango trees can be grown in pots until Spring and planted out once chances of cold spell are gone. Until then, they can be moved indoors for cold nights.

Think outside the box and bring tropical paradise indoors during the time when we need warmth the most! Tropical plants will brighten your short winter days and help you to have truly HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Winter bloomers: Gloxinia, Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Gloxinia, Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons...