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How to make healthy food taste delicious? Longevity Spinach Super-food Recipes

Longevity Spinach recipe

Longevity Spinach recipe

Gynura procubens (Longevity Spinach, Okinawa Spinach)

Gynura procubens (Longevity Spinach, Okinawa Spinach)

🥗 How to make healthy food taste delicious? Longevity Spinach Super-food Recipes.
  • ☘️ Gynura procubens (Longevity Spinach, Okinawa Spinach) is one of the Superfoods, known for its longevity-promoting properties in traditional medicine.
  • ☘️ Native to Indonesia, commercially grown in China. It is a relatively hardy perennial that once planted, you will have these healthy greens for many years!
  • ☘️ Both the stems and the leaves are edible and nutritious, can be eaten raw or cooked. They have a unique flavor with a faint hint of pine, and will add a beautiful aesthetic element to cuisine.
  • ☘️ This green is also known as cholesterol spinach, and there are many claims that it lowers can cholesterol.
  • ☘️ Perfect for hot and humid climates unlike traditional Spinach that only grown in cooler areas. It will thrive in any type of soil, any type of light other than dark shade, and is pest-free.
  • ☘️ Very adaptable to container gardening and even grows well on a windowsill.
  • ☘️ The leaves and young shoot tips can be steamed, used in stir fry, tempura, stews, and soups. Just add them at the very end.

Check out the recipes⬇️⬇️⬇️

📚 Gynura: Longevity Spinach Superfood Recipes

🎥 Best Hot Weather Spinach Crops - Longevity and Okinawa Spinach

🛒 Plant Longevity Spinach and live long

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Remedies

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What rare showy plant can I wish for that will thrive indoors?

Philodendron x Paraiso Verde

🧞 What rare showy plant can I wish for that will thrive indoors?
  • 💚 Philodendron x Paraiso Verde is a unique and visually striking, large-leaf plant that perfect for growing indoors, virtually care-free!
  • 💚 Stunning leaves: long, variegated leaves with a mix of green, cream, and sometimes pinkish hues.
  • 💚 Rare and exotic: it is highly sought after by plant enthusiasts and collectors due to its rarity and exotic appearance, and may be pretty expensive in trade.
  • 💚 Fast climber: capable of climbing up to 10 feet in a single season, with stems growing over an inch thick. Just provide a support and you will have a lush tropical paradise in no time.
  • 💚 Low maintenance: easy to care for, thriving in indirect light and requiring minimal watering. In captivity, indoors on a totem, Paraiso Verde is easy to grow and may only need to be trimmed once a year or so.
  • 💚 Air-purifying: helps purify the air by removing toxins, making it great for indoor environments - home or office.
  • 💚 Unique patterns: each leaf has a unique pattern, just like fingerprints! 💅

  • It is making every plant distinct and adding a touch of individuality to your plant collection.
  • 💚 Tropical aesthetic: brings a lush, tropical feel to any space, perfect for creating an indoor jungle vibe. Truly beautiful!

🛒 Get your own Philodendron x Paraiso Verde

#Container_Garden #Shade_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


How to create indoor jungle vibe

Philodendron x Paraiso Verde

Philodendron x Paraiso Verde

Q: What rare and unusual showy plant will thrive indoors?

A: Philodendron x Paraiso Verde is a unique and visually striking, large-leaf plant that perfect for growing indoors, virtually care-free!

Stunning leaves: long, variegated leaves with a mix of green, cream, and sometimes pinkish hues.

Rare and exotic: it is highly sought after by plant enthusiasts and collectors due to its rarity and exotic appearance, and may be pretty expensive in trade.

Fast climber: capable of climbing up to 10 feet in a single season, with stems growing over an inch thick. Just provide a support and you will have a lush tropical paradise in no time.

Low maintenance: easy to care for, thriving in indirect light and requiring minimal watering. In captivity, indoors on a totem, Paraiso Verde is easy to grow and may only need to be trimmed once a year or so.

Air-purifying: helps purify the air by removing toxins, making it great for indoor environments - home or office.

Unique patterns: each leaf has a unique pattern, just like fingerprints! It is making every plant distinct and adding a touch of individuality to your plant collection.

Tropical aesthetic: brings a lush, tropical feel to any space, perfect for creating an indoor jungle vibe. Truly beautiful!

Philodendron x Paraiso Verde


Five most useful edibles for your Food Forest

Tropical Food Forest collage

Tired of mowing a boring lawn? Use your yard instead of being used by your yard - grow edible landscape! Below are several plants that made our life happier and meals healthier. Besides, these are fun to grow! Try them out:

Hibiscus sabdariffa - Flor de Jamaica, Karkade Sorrel

1. Hibiscus sabdariffa - Flor de Jamaica, Karkade Sorrel - Flowers are used to make a tea "Agua de Flor de Jamaica". Medical studies show that it lowers blood pressure and has diuretic effects. The pleasant flavor is on the tart side similar to a cranberry juice. We make this cold tea every day - perfect for hot summer. Full sun.
Watch video >>

Gynura procubens - Longevity Spinach, Cholesterol spinach

2. Gynura procubens - Longevity Spinach, Cholesterol spinach - one of the Superfoods, and there are many claims that it lowers cholesterol. We use it in our cooking all the time and so far we are all alive! Full sun.
See recipe >>

Cymbopogon citratus - Lemon grass

3. Sauropus androgynus - Katuk, Tropical Asparagus. Delicious young shoots, one of the most popular leaf vegetables in Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, people cook it in stews and soups. It is among only a few flora containing vitamin K. Full sun or semi-shade.
Learn more >>

Cymbopogon citratus - Lemon grass

4. Cymbopogon citratus - Lemon grass: Versatile performer in the kitchen where it can be used in teas, beverages, herbal medicines, Eastern inspired soups and other dishes. Full sun or semi-shade.

Lippia dulcis - Aztec Sweet Herb, Sweetleaf

5. Lippia dulcis - Aztec Sweet Herb, Sweetleaf: Mexican herb with incredibly sweet leaves that can be eaten from the plant like candy or tossed into fruit salads for an unusual addition. It has been used since the time of the Aztecs for coughs and colds. Tastes great, can be used by diabetic patients. We add this herb to Karkade or Mint tea as a sweetener. Shade or semi-shade.


How Mulberry fruit helps with diabetes

Fruit of Mulberry Tree (Morus x Alba hybrids)

Fruit of Mulberry Tree (Morus x Alba hybrids)

Mulberry fruit

Mulberry fruit

🍇 How Mulberry fruit helps with diabetes
  • 💜 Mulberry Tree (Morus x Alba hybrids) originated from China. Everyone knows this sweet, tasty, juicy fruit but very few people are aware of its amazing health benefits.
  • 💜 Mulberry fruit can lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. They improve the absorption of carbohydrates in the gut. Eating this fruit slows the breakdown of sugar in the stomach so that it's absorbed more slowly into the blood. This helps the body keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range.
  • 💜 Mulberry fruit have a low glycaemic index, making them suitable to consume after meals to avoid spikes in sugar levels.
  • 💜 More health benefits of Mulberry:

  • - help prevent fatty liver diseases, and lower cholesterol levels.
    - Mulberry leaves show their benefits against cardiometabolic risks, including antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antiobesity
    - Due to flavonoids and other phytochemicals, Mulberry juice has been shown to have anti-cancer properties, specifically against breast cancer cells.
  • 💜 Mulberry is called Tree of Life for a reason.

  • Revelation 22, Verse 2: "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
  • 💜 Mulberry Tree is very cold hardy and can grow in wide range of climate zones, from USDA 5 to 10. Dwarf cultivars available - perfect for container culture. One of them is called Dwarf Everbearing - it fruits virtually year around!

🛒 Plant your own Mulberry tree

#Food_Forest #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


Why is it called Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

 Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

 Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

Humata (Davallia) tyermannii - White Rabbits Foot Fern

⚡️ #Fun_Facts: Why is it called Rabbits Foot Fern

🐰 Humata (Davallia) tyermannii, or White Rabbits Foot Fern has fuzzy rhizomes resembling soft rabbit's feet, adding a whimsical touch to its appearance.

🛒 Order


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When you lost your mouse in a black hole

🕯 When you lost your mouse in a black hole... Sound on 📢

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🐾 More #PeopleCats in our Garden:

🏵 TopTropicals


What is the best Avocado variety? Five more most popular Avocado cultivars - total of 10

Avocado Joey

Avocado Joey

Avocado Day

Avocado Day

Avocado Ulala (Super Hass)

Avocado Ulala (Super Hass)

Avocado Fantastic

Avocado Fantastic

Avocado Monroe

Avocado Monroe

🥑 What is the best Avocado variety? Five more most popular Avocado cultivars - total of 10!

🏆 We introduced 5 most popular varieties in our previous post. Here is 5 more, making it 10 total.

6. Joey - very cold hardy variety. Produces medium size, egg shaped purple-black fruit. It has excellent flavor. Heavy bearer. Season: September-October. It survived temperatures around 10F near San Antonio, Texas (Zone 8b). Can take temperatures down to 15F for a short period of time without significant damage.

7. Day - green, smooth skin and is shaped like a club. The fruit is of very good quality and has a nice buttery consistency. The slender tree is very cold tolerant and produces July through September.

8. Ulala (Super Hass) - sometimes called Uhlala or Uh-La-La. Cold hardy variety that can take temperatures down to 18F for short period of time without significant damage. The fruit is black skinned, with smooth texture. Seed is very small.

9. Fantastic - very cold hardy variety, supposedly the most most cold hardy of all avocados. Produces green, paper thin skin. The fruit has a creamy texture. It survived temperatures around 10F near San Antonio, Texas (Zone 8b) and can take temperatures down to 15F for short period of time without significant damage.

10. Monroe - inherited from its Guatemalan-type parent some degree of cold hardiness. In addition, the trees produced a very large, elliptical-shaped fruit with good eating qualities. Good producer, commercial cultivar in Florida. Legend has it that "it was found in Homestead, Florida on a cool dark rainy night after a meteor crashed into an abandoned papaya plantation."

📚 Learn more: Avocado Variety Guide - check this out for interactive chart of Avocado varieties and sort them by flower type A or B, tree habit, fruit shape and quality, cold hardiness, origin, season and more!

What is your favorite Avocado variety?
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🛒 Shop Avocado Trees


🏵 TopTropicals


What is the safest alcohol?

Mango Xoai Thuong (Elephant)

Mango Xoai Thuong (Elephant)

Citron 'Buddha's Hand' (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)

Citron 'Buddha's Hand' (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)

Citron 'Buddha's Hand' (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)

Citron 'Buddha's Hand' (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)

Variagated Lemon

Variagated Lemon "Pink Lemonade"

🍾 What is the safest alcohol?
  • 🍹"Rum and Tequila are the safest alcohol drinks", - says Addiction Specialist, - "But only when consumed in combination with fruit juice".
  • 🍹Rum is considered the "safest" alcohol due to its content of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus, which result in a less aggressive impact on the liver. It should be mixed with fruit juice such as Mango or Orange (Check out our Mango Gelato Recipe)
  • 🍹 Tequila, often consumed with salt and lemon, introduces sodium chloride and vitamin C into the body, which can help reduce hangovers.

📸 Mango Xoai Thuong (Elephant)
Citron 'Buddha's Hand' (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)
Variagated Lemon "Pink Lemonade"

🛒 Shop Fruit Trees

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


How to French Kiss the Red Button Ginger

Costus spicatus x woodsonii - Red Button Ginger, French Kiss

Costus spicatus x woodsonii - Red Button Ginger, French Kiss

Costus spicatus x woodsonii - Red Button Ginger, French Kiss

Costus spicatus x woodsonii - Red Button Ginger, French Kiss

⚡️ #Fun_Facts:How to French Kiss the Red Button Ginger

💋 Costus spicatus x woodsonii (Red Button Ginger, French Kiss): this ginger's inflorescence resembles a cluster of bright red buttons, making it a standout in tropical gardens.

🛒 Order French Kiss


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