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What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood

What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood
🤴 What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood...

  • 🫘 Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea - existed for more than 4800 year! It's been widely consumed in South Asia, South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Documented in India since 2,800 BC; reached Ancient Egypt around 2,200 BC.

  • 🫘 Provides flavorful, nutritious, and healthy food, with potential to become widely popular like Japanese sushi 🍱

  • 🫘 It is a showy perennial woody shrub or small tree, 4-8 ft tall, with soft leaves. Can be grown in container

  • 🫘Pretty flowers are yellow, with purple or red streaks, pods containing oval to round seeds.

  • 🫘 Many culinary uses: the tasty and healthy beans used in rice dishes, soups, stews, tempeh, tofu. Unripe pods eaten in curries, leaves and young shoots cooked as a vegetable.

  • 🫘 Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins (B, C, E, K), and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc).

  • 🫘 Medicinal value: various folk medicinal uses for sores, bladderstones, jaundice, skin irritations, bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, toothache, dysentery, and more.
  • 🫘 Everyone can grow it! The plant is super easy, tolerates poor soils, drought tolerant, improves soil quality like many other beans.

📚 Learn more about Pigeon Pea

🛒Grow your own Pigeon Pea Superfood

#Food_Forest #Remedies #Container_Garden #Fun_Facts

🏵 TopTropicals


Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!

Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!
🥒 Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are "candles"! 🕯

  • 🕯 This bizarre tree is a conversation piece and every plant collector should have one!

  • 🕯 Parmentiera edulis - Candle Tree, or Guahalote - is a highly ornamental tree with interesting leaves, pretty cream flowers and...ready?

  • 🕯One foot long fruits resembling a greenish-yellow cucumbers or candles that hang off the tree!

  • 🕯Juicy fruit is edible and has a sweet flavor similar to sugar cane. Eaten raw or cooked; used to make pickles or preserves

  • 🕯The fruit is a remedy for colds; roots used as a diuretic.

  • 🕯Easy to grow and not fussy about conditions. Cold tolerant to light frost.

🎥 10 Plants That Will Make You Happy. Plant #2: Candle Tree.

🛒Get your own Candle Tree

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Nature_Wonders #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


Cat of the Day - Snitch

 Cat of the Day - Snitch
🐈 Cat of the Day - Snitch.

Snitch is our office helper and herbs expert.

"Make sure to tell your cats all the truth about Catnip"

Get some herb tea and have a good sleep!🌜

🛒 Shop Tropical Herbs and Spices for #Remedies

📸 😺 👇 Share your cats in comments!

🐾 More #PeopleCats in our Garden:

🏵 TopTropicals


18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb?

18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb?
🥬 18 most popular herbs: where to use each herb? 🍲

  • 🌿 Arugula - Green salads, pasta sauce
  • 🌿 Balm - Iced drinks, salads, poultry stuffing
  • 🌿 Basil - Tomato salad, any past dish? home-made pesto, garnish
  • 🌿 Catnip - Sauces and stews, for tea
  • 🌿 Chervil - Soups, green salads, as a garnish
  • 🌿 Chives - Cream cheese, potato salad, green salads, sauces
  • 🌿 Cilantro - Stews, rice, salads, salsa
  • 🌿 Dill - Fish dishes, pickles, ptato salad
  • 🌿 Lemon grass - Oriental stir-fry, for tea
  • 🌿 Marjoram - Italian dishes, stews, soups
  • 🌿 Mint - Add to potatoes, peas, cucumber, carrots, mint sauce, mint tea
  • 🌿 Oregano - Italian and Greek dishes, green salad
  • 🌿 Parsley - Butters, pasta dishes, as garnish
  • 🌿 Rosemary - BBQ, roast lamb/chicken, fish, fried/baked potatoes
  • 🌿 Sage - Stuffing, add to poultry, mix with cream cheese
  • 🌿 Sorrel - Soup, serve with fish, pastries
  • 🌿 Tarragon - Fish, chicken, sauces
  • 🌿 Thyme - Stocks and stews, add to pasta

📸 Basil, Catnip, Rosemary, Oregano, Cilantro, Sage, Terragon, Lemon grass, Mint, Thyme

🛒 Shop tropical herbs and spices

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


What are the health benefits of Gardening?

 What are the health benefits of Gardening?
🥦 What are the health benefits of Gardening?

Therapeutic effect of gardening is not just a modern discovery. Throughout history, various cultures have recognized the mental and physical benefits of gardening...

🏺 In ancient Egypt, physicians prescribed walks through gardens for patients struggling with mental health issues.

🕯 During the Middle Ages in Europe, monastery gardens were designed not only for sustenance but also for meditation and relaxation.

🔮 Gardening has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

😅 The physical activity involved in gardening also provides exercise, contributing to overall health.

🌳 So, whether you're tending to a small indoor herb garden or cultivating a vast outdoor plot, the act of gardening can be a powerful tool for both mental and physical wellness.

🛒 Shop tropical spice plants and herbs 🥗

#Edible_Forest #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


Why Noni is a superfood?

Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood? Why Noni is a superfood?
💪 Why Noni is a superfood?

We mentioned Noni fruit in our previous post as a fruit that keeps you young.

This beautiful small tree with lush foliage is very undemanding, and can be grown as a houseplant.

What is the secret of Noni power?

Noni juice, derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree, has many medicinal effects:
  1. Antioxidant properties: lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effects: help conditions like arthritis.
  3. Immune system support: immune-boosting due to its high content of vitamin C and other compounds, reducing the risk of infections.
  4. Digestive health: improves digestion and regularity.
  5. Pain relief: joint pain, headaches, and cramps.
  6. Cardiovascular health: lowers cholesterol levels and improves blood circulation
  7. Liver health: protects the liver from damage caused by toxins and free radicals
  8. Anti-cancer properties: may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells
  9. Skin health: soothes irritated skin, promote wound healing

    10 Energy and vitality: boosts energy levels, improves stamina.

  10. 🛒 Get your own Noni Tree

    #Food_Forest #Container_Garden #Remedies

    🏵 TopTropicals


Cat of the Day - Mr B

🐈 Cat of the Day - Mr B.

Did you know that Lemon Grass freshens your pet's breath? Mr B knows. He is the fan. He doesn't brush his teeth before going to bed, but claims he has a lemon-fresh breath. Good night!🌜

📸 😺 👇 Share your cats in comments!

🛒 And get some Lemon Grass - a versatile performer in the kitchen where it can be used in teas, beverages, herbal medicines, Eastern inspired soups and other dishes.

🐾 More #PeopleCats in our Garden:

#Remedies #Food_Forest

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Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!
🌴 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

TopTropicals.com - the World's leading authority on tropical plants - is now in Telegram. If you grow a tropical garden or indoor collection of rare plants, this is your channel!

Join to get exclusive updates on tropical gardening:

🪼 Fun Facts and Nature Wonders
🌺 How to make your plants flower and stay happy
🥭 How to get the biggest fruit crop
🏆 Sweepstakes and Contests
🦋 Butterfly and Container Garden
🥗 Food Forest
⚜️ Perfume Plants
🍲 Exotic Recipes and Remedies
...and of course, your favorite -
🐾 PeopleCats in the Garden!

JOIN and share with friends! 👇

🏵 TopTropicals
We Grow Happiness


Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!
🌴 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

TopTropicals.com - the World's leading authority on tropical plants - is now in Telegram. If you grow a tropical garden or indoor collection of rare plants, this is your channel!

Join to get exclusive updates on tropical gardening:

🪼 Fun Facts and Nature Wonders
🌺 How to make your plants flower and stay happy
🥭 How to get the biggest fruit crop
🏆 Sweepstakes and Contests
🦋 Butterfly and Container Garden
🥗 Food Forest
⚜️ Perfume Plants
🍲 Exotic Recipes and Remedies
...and of course, your favorite -
🐾 PeopleCats in the Garden!

JOIN and share with friends! 👇

🏵 TopTropicals
We Grow Happiness


Three tropical plants that help you to stay young

 Three tropical plants that help you to stay young  Three tropical plants that help you to stay young  Three tropical plants that help you to stay young
🌱 Three tropical plants that help you to stay young.
  1. Longevity Spinach - as the name suggests, this is one of the superfoods, and it lowers cholesterol. The leaves and young shoot tips can be used fresh in salads, steamed, used in stir fry, stews, and soups. Just add them at the very end. Recipes here 🥣
  2. Amlak, or Otaheite Gooseberry - fruit is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic. It is the richest source of vitamin C. Makes a perfect lemonade.
  3. Noni - a world-famous medicinal fruit. The noni juice works on a cellular level and rejuvenates nearly every system in the body. Large leaves, very tropical look, quick to fruit... This is a perfect tree for container and indoors. PDF: Noni's health benefits (Tropical Treasures Magazine).

⚕️ Discover more medicinal plants

#Food_Forest #Remedies

We Grow Happiness