What are Low Chill Apricots?
Prunus armeniaca (Armenian plum)
Q: Can I grow apricots and plums in Florida?
A: Low chill apricots have been specially
developed for subtropical regions like Central and South Florida, where the climate
is not typically conducive for apricot cultivation due to the high number of
chill hours required. This is also true for other fruit trees such as plums
and peaches. However, through successful hybridization, several low chill
varieties have been created that require less than 300 hours of cold weather
below 45 degrees.
One such example is the low chill Katy Apricot tree, which only requires 250 chill hours and is
self-fertile. It is a popular choice among homeowners due to its large size, rich
flavor, and free-stone characteristics with a semi-sweet, low-acid taste. Katy
Apricot tree typically bears fruit early, usually in May.