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March 17 - Double Holiday!
St Patricks and St Gertrudes Day

The picture above was sent to us from our customer Arnette

For 15% Spring Gardening Discount, use code:


Exp. 3-18-22, Min order $150.

Did you know that March 17 is not only the day of St Patrick, but also of another Saint? Saint Gertrude of Nivelles!
Cat lovers revere Gertrude of Nivelles most of all. After all, gentle Gertrude is the Patron Saint of Cats and Cat lovers. The idea seems to have started in the 1980s, more than 1300 years after she lived. Some sources say the first publication to link Gertrude and cats was a 1981 catalog, Metropolitan Cats, put out by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Since then, the idea that Gertrude is the patron of cats - and cat owners - has spread. She is the Patron of Cats, Gardeners, Travelers... and Those with a Morbid Fear of Mice and Rats.
Most of us can find themselves in this list! St Gertrude's feast day of March 17 is observed by gardeners, who regard fine weather on that day as a sign to begin spring planting!

And yet one more holiday close enough... Today, March 16 is a birthday of our columnist Alex Butova - the Witch of Herbs and Cats and supporter of PeopleCats. Alex was born on a purrrfect day! Happy Birthday, Alex!

The picture above was sent to us from Alex


Christmas Fairy Tale from PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Penelope, the Squirrel Cat

Early one morning I was sitting out back on the porch and I heard a high pitch screeching. As I am looking everywhere for this sound, and what is making the sound, I see a small little squirrel baby poke it’s head from between my house and my roof... Now I am not the only one who heard and saw this baby. There were two little sets of cat eyes standing beside me who were also intrigued but for a very different reason than I was...
This is how we became pet squirrel owners. It was never intended for Penelope to stay for long, however the more we bottle feed her and interacted with her the more attached she became to us...
Every time she saw us, she would purr! That’s right, squirrels do purr, just like cats! They also play just like cats...


TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

Thank you for supporting us in helping PeopleCat Community and Zoo!
Make your kind donation today and receive a surprise gift from us! Every little bit helps. Thank you and God bless you and your pets!

Photo above: Jim is exploring jungles of Tecoma Stans.


Event Mementos (Saturday 12/4)

We thank all of our guests for joining us last Saturday for the Holiday Sale. We met lots of great people who got lots of great plants and goodies! Our vendors offered wonderful treats and entertainment and everyone could find something special! The food was not only tasty but also COLORFUL!
Special Thanks to our PeopleCats who ran the show, as always!
Come back again to our next event in a few months, info coming soon.



Cat of the Week:
Snitch, the Garden Boy

...According to the National survey, 80% of cats suffer misunderstanding from humans: "Every time I try to have a serious talk with him, he simply gives me food" - this was the most common opinion among cats who took the survey...

See more: TopTropicals PeopleCats


August 8
International Cat Day

...August 8 is International Cat Day - a day to celebrate one of man's most common and ancient pets. They have even been worshiped as gods (we see you, Egypt.) Well, it is not surprising, Cats are one of the coolest beings on the planet: they are independent, inquisitive, adventurous, have an amazing physiognomy, and the power to heal by themselves... And - cats and plants always go together!..

...Nowadays, cats seem to be one of the pop icons in modern society - we have about half of a billion among us. And, since 2002, thanks to the International Fund for Animal Welfare cats have their own holiday!..


Q: What do you call a huge pile of cats?

A: Take your pick - a Meowntain or a Purramid!

See Top Tropicals PeopleCats


Mark your calendar:
June 19, 2021
Summer Solstice Celebration with PeopleCats

Special Event you can't miss!

First day of Summer and the longest day of the year! Live Jazz in the Garden, lots of cool vendors and "A Roof for Rufus" cat adoptions...
Come join the Top Tropicals crew for the longest planting day of the year. Onika, Bella, Mark and David will be here soaking in the sun and helping you to pick the right plants...

Saturday, June 19th
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Top Tropicals is proud to partner with A Roof for Rufus cat adoptions. Each cat attending this event has been hand picked and approved by King.
Don't miss this event! Talk to the kitties and find your companion in life. PeopleCats never betray and they will love you forever!


In the photo: PeopleCats from Roof for Rufus Rescue waiting for their forever homes.


PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Month: Sonya growing indoors

Sonya, the Co-Author of our columnist Alex Butova, this year can't wait for the Spring to begin. Sonya is a True Tropical Cat, enjoying sunny hot days, and she hates cold and snow in spite of her beautiful fluffy coat. Together with Alex, she grows tropical flowers in their apartment in Riga, Latvia. The countdown to True Spring has just begun, and Sonya promises warm weather to start by hers and Alex's birthday on March 16.
Aren't we lucky to live in Tropics!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

Thank you for supporting us in helping PeopleCat Community!
Make your kind donation today and receive a surprise gift from us! Every little bit helps. Thank you and God bless you and your pets!


PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Month: Moishe, the Google Intern with a Sweet Tooth

Just a few months ago we introduced our new Little Purrrson Jim II that we got as a "toy" for intellectual Google the Cat, to cheer him up after he lost his friend Jim I... Jim II, the fluffy goofball, grew up in no time and in his turn, requested entertainment, since Google bored him with his technical lectures... So we got a toy for Jim-the-toy... and he turned out to be - another mini-Google!
Moishe is very busy young individual, spending his day solving math equations and discovering laws of physics... Google appreciates the new generation's input. Jim II is simply glued to the little guy. He follows Moishe everywhere, including boring seminars by Google. Jim loves his new little brother with all his heart!
Moishe's favorite things are - gravity experiments, reading scientific manuscripts, and eating JAM for breakfast! No toast required.

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

Thank you for supporting us in helping PeopleCat Community!
Make your kind donation today and receive a surprise gift from us! Every little bit helps. Thank you and God bless you and your pets!

In the photo: Moishe the Scientist and Jim the Hopeless Romantic


People of TopTropicals. Dog of the Year: Tilda, the Assistant Photographer

Today is a sad day. Our Editor and Photographer assistant Tilda left us for her last trip to Eternity... to the Dog's Paradise. For many years, Tilda has been helping Top Tropicals Editor and Plant Expert Marina Rybka to take pictures of beautiful plants from all over the world. We can often see Tilda's tail, paws, ears or eyes in many photos of our plant catalog. With Marina's and Tilda's help, our catalog today has 4900 tropical plant profiles with 53989 photos!
Tilda, you will always stay with us. You will follow us in every shot you made with your Mom. Thank you for being there for Marina and her TopTropicals. Thank you for making life of tropical gardeners happier! You made the difference. We love you forever.

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

Thank you for supporting us in helping PeopleCat Community!
Make your kind donation today and receive a surprise gift from us! Every little bit helps. Thank you and God bless you and your pets!


PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Abu, the Quiet Fighter

The Story of Abu, a brother of poor little Raja, is also challenging, but has a happy ending!
...Abu started out a quiet reserved little man. From the beginning you would find him in the quarantine room snuggled under his thick blanket sleeping. Abu did not like to ask for help but was grateful when you gave it. We tried to help him use a toilet while his leg was casted and getting into the letterbox was a challenge for him... However, he was too orthodox in his views to believe he needed help...
...Abu was the worse off of the two found kittens. Dr didn't sugar coat the outlook. He gave him a thirty percent chance of walking again. The morning after the first medication, I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning... Dressing quickly, I went to the kitten's room to see if there was any change... Abu was still laying down, not getting up on his own. As I looked over his little body, I made my way to his swollen little wrist to see if there was any change...


TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

Thank you for supporting us in helping PeopleCat Community!
Make your kind donation today and receive a surprise gift from us! Every little bit helps. Thank you and God bless you and your pets!