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Tropical analogies of non-tropicals

By Kristi, the Florida girl...

...When I first started working at Top Tropicals eight years ago I knew nothing about plants. I didn't even know which ones I liked. Over the first few months I took in information on plants like I was a starving kitten who had just gotten its first meal in weeks...

...What I started to notice was that the plants I tended to gravitate to were more cold weather plants. Plants that couldn't be grown in the hot summers in Florida, and vines. Seemed like everything I set my sites on was a large vine or couldn't grow in the heat...

...Many of our local customers are from up North as well and are used to these colder weather plants too. This got me thinking, I wonder how many of these people are missing the plants they grew up knowing and loving. I know there are at least a few from the conversations I have had with some of you at the nursery. So, I decided to make a list of a few of the plants that will grow here that are similar but not the same and, in some instances, even better!..