Chlorophytum orchidantheroides, Chlorophytum amaniense, Chlorophytum orchidastrum - video

Mandarin Plant, Fire Flash, Fire Glory
Family: Asparagaceae    (Formerly:Anthericaceae)
Subfamily: Agavoideae
USDA Zone: 10-12?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantSemi-shadeShadeModerate waterEpiphyte plantOrnamental foliage
Chlorophytum orchidanteroides
Mandarin Plant - is one of the most popular and colorful house plants and a shade garden favorite.

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Chlorophytum orchidanteroides - Mandarin Plant

A beautiful rosette of shiny dark green pointed leaves with a heart of glowing orange. Dark green foliage grows from a central crown with basal offshoots. Rich colors in pink or orange form from the base of the leaf up through the midrib. It is a colorful relative to the well-known houseplant favorite, the Spider Plant. May be used as a potted plant, in mixed containers, or as a specimen shrub in the tropical landscape. Grows under the same tolerances indoors as a spider plant. For brightest colors, remove basal sprouts as they appear to avoid basal crowding which will hide the colored growth. It seeds itself prolifically. Does not like full sun, let get fairly dry before watering.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
3 plants in stock