Genipa clusiifolia, Seven Year Apple

Genipa clusiifolia

Seven Year Apple
Family: Rubiaceae
Origin: South Florida, Caribbean
Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterWhite, off-white flowersFragrant plantFlood tolerant plantSeaside, salt tolerant plant

It is a well-behaved, tough shrub that can be maintained at less than 10 feet high. Creamy flowers produce a bouquet worthy of the attention of the esteemed parfumiers of Europe. Fruits develop slowly over the course of one year, not seven. They turn brown when ripe. Birds are avid consumers of the fruit. The plant originates from coastal uplands. It has high salt- and drought-tolerance. A must in designs in coastal locations, it can be used with confidence in sunny, well-drained spots inland as well. Use it as an accent piece in a prominent spot, or as part of screening.

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