Coccothrinax barbadensis, Silver Thatch, Barbados Silver Palm

Coccothrinax barbadensis

Silver Thatch, Barbados Silver Palm
Family: Arecaceae / Palmae
Origin: Antillean Island of the Jamaican
Large tree taller than 20 ftFull sunModerate waterPalm or palm-like plantSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Coccothrinax barbadensis, also known as Silver Thatch, is a native of the Antillean Island of Jamaica that can grow to be a large and stately tree. It can reach incredible heights of up to (50 ft), with its fan-shaped, palmate leaves made up of up to 60 wavy segments. The undersides of the leaves are covered in a silvery-gray hue. It is an especially salt-tolerant species, capable of withstanding considerable coastal exposure.

Silver Thatch is a sun-lover, so it's best to plant it in an area with full sun exposure and moderate water needs. Best grown in USDA Zone 9-11. When growing Coccothrinax barbadensis in colder regions, a large pot may be a better option. To enjoy its full potential, it's important to provide it with ample room to grow. Plant it in fertile, well-drained soil and water it regularly to ensure that its roots stay moist. To keep its growth healthy, feed it with a balanced fertilizer every few months. Additionally, trim the leaves occasionally to keep it from becoming top-heavy. With proper care and maintenance, this beautiful palm makes a striking addition to any garden.

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