Botanical family: Cunoniaceae

Number of plants found: 3    

Cunonia capensis , Butterspoon Tree

Cunonia capensis

Butterspoon Tree
Family: Cunoniaceae
Origin: South Africa
Small tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterWhite, off-white flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsFragrant plant

It is a beautiful evergreen garden tree which attracts insects to its flowers. It does not grow well in very hot and dry conditions preferring a more temperate climate.

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Eucryphia moorei, Pinkwood

Eucryphia moorei

Family: Cunoniaceae    (Formerly:Eucryphiaceae)
Origin: SE Australia
USDA Zone: 8-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterWhite, off-white flowersSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeSeaside, salt tolerant plant

The foliage of Eucryphia moorei is dark green and roundish. Fragrant white to off-white flowers appear in the summer. A mature plant can be cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time. The beautiful blooms appear in sprays along the stems, usually in July and are produced in abundance if the position is sunny and sheltered from cold winds.

The Eucryphia moorei is not only easy to grow and maintain, but also tolerant of salt exposure and seaside conditions, making it an ideal plant for coastal areas. It does best in a full sun to semi-shade position with regular watering and moderate moisture. Fertilize with a slow release fertilizer each season. This species can be grown in USDA Zone 8-11 and prefers a moist well-drained soil.

In colder regions, it is best grown in a pot and placed in a warm, sheltered location during the winter. Ensure that the soil is kept slightly moist, but not waterlogged, and fertilize when necessary. In extreme conditions, you can even bring the container indoors. When the temperatures rise and reach a safe level, you can place the pot back in its original position.

Eucryphia moorei, Pinkwood
Eucryphia moorei, Pinkwood
Eucryphia moorei, Pinkwood
Eucryphia moorei, Pinkwood

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Eucryphia sp., Eucryphia, Leatherwood

Eucryphia sp.

Eucryphia, Leatherwood
Family: Cunoniaceae    (Formerly:Eucryphiaceae)
Origin: South America, Australia
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterWhite, off-white flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds

The Eucryphia sp. is a small tree native to South America and Australia, growing to 10-20 ft in height. It is an evergreen shrub to small tree with a dense, spreading crown and a slow to medium growth rate. The lance-shaped to elliptic, dark green leaves are 3-5 inches long, glossy on the upper surface and paler on the underside. Foliage has a pleasant, mild odor when crushed.

This plant blooms with mass of fragrant, white to off-white flowers in the summer. The 2-3 inch flower clusters appear at the tips of the branches and are particularly attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Fruit are leathery capsules, 1/3 inch long, containing one or two seeds.

The Eucryphia sp. is hardy to USDA Zone 9-11 and can tolerate temperatures down to 20F. These trees prefer well-drained, moist soil and a location in semi-shade to full sun. It will grow with moderate water or regular watering but must be protected from wind.

Eucryphia sp. is an attractive and easily cultivated plant, perfect for a small garden. It is also well suited for container growing in cold regions, requiring extra protection from strong winds. Keep the soil moist and fertilize during the growing season for best results. A thick layer of mulch around the base of the tree helps maintain moisture levels and moderate soil temperatures. This can be achieved with a combination of organic and inorganic materials, such as bark chips and stones. With the proper care, the Eucryphia sp. is sure to bring beauty and fragrance to your landscape!

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