Philodendron speciosum is native to the jungles of a small part part of N. W. Brazil and adjacent Bolivian lowlands. It vies with P. bipinnatiffidum as producing the largest (and showiest) leaves of all the many Philodendron species... even larger that P. giganteum! The massive, almost Alocasia-like, but thick textured leaves, similar to P. giganteum, develop distinctly scalloped wavy edges and grow from an upright "trunk", almost like a palm, complete with basal prop roots. They become one of the most striking tropical plant statements imaginable! Calling P. speciosum the "King of Philodendrons" would be very reasonable. This is an unspeakably rare plant which Top Tropicals recently had the good fortune of obtaining a few, nice, strong, healthy individuals. We may very well never have them available again.