Tropical Treasures Magazine - 7 (Fall-2008) - PDF file download

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Tropical Treasures Magazine - 7 (Fall-2008) - PDF file download

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The the 7th issue of TROPICAL TREASURES. A unique magazine about pushing the limits of tropical gardening, growing tropical plants in non-tropical climate and indoors. This issue specials:
- Zone pushing
When winter is around the corner
Growing exotic Cordyline in colder climate
- Plant clinic. Water, water, water... So simple and yet complex.
How to water plants? How to determine water needs? What happens to the plant if watered improperly?.
- Growers of beauty. Soursop fruiting in apartment: amazing experience of growing Annona muricata (Soursop) from seed and harvesting fruit after years of nourishing and patient waiting. Hand-pollination of Annona flowers.
- Plant science. The documentation of plans.
- Legendary plants. Killer Plants, Part 2. Poisonous plants of Tropics: beautiful and dangerous.
- Growing outdoors. The Mystique of Bamboo.
- Exotic Kaleidoscope. Tropical fruit recipes.
See more info about this issue and about Tropical Treasures Magazine.
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40 pages
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