Tropical Treasures Magazine - 6 (Summer-2008) - PDF file download

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Tropical Treasures Magazine - 6 (Summer-2008) - PDF file download

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The the 6th issue of the new magazine TROPICAL TREASURES. A unique magazine about pushing the limits of tropical gardening, growing tropical plants in non-tropical climate and indoors. This issue specials:
- Plant School and Clinic. Pest control.
- Growers of Beauty. Tropics way up north: Botanical garden in apartment.
- Wildlife habitat A Practical Guide to Butterfly, Hummingbird, and Nighttime Moth Gardening
- Legendary plants Killer Plants, Part 1. Poisonous plants of Tropics: so deadly, yet so mesmerizing. Growing poisonous plants.
- Growing outdoors. The Social System of Horticulture: A Study of One Neighborhood, One Island, and the Move Towards Self-Sufficiency.
- From Gordon-the-Palmaholic. Every garden needs a few fan palms.
- Nature's Food and Pharmacy. Cold Seed of Incas: exotic fruits of Annonaceae family.
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40 pages
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