Mango tree Cogshall, Grafted (Mangifera indica)

Mango tree Cogshall, Grafted (Mangifera indica)

Big tree taller than 20 ftFull sunModerate waterEdible plantSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Mango Cogshall (Semi-Dwarf) is one the best variety for indoor potting culture! This variety is perfect for small yards or as "condo mango" - an ultra compact grower. It has slow growth habit which makes it very easy to control its size with pruning. The tree is suitable for container growing on a balcony, or planting in a suburban backyard. It can easily be maintained at just eight feet tall, and it will still produce a good size crop year after year.The fruit is very colorful and has a mild, sweet flavor that appeals to many. It is also fungus resistant.
See more info about Mango varieties.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Mango Tango - Mango Tree Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster
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32 oz (1 qt, 946 ml)
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500 ml (16 oz)
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Grown in
10"/3 gal pot
4 Plants in stock