TopTropicals expedition to Caribbean

Discovering America or Every-Way-Traffic

Dominican Republic is the first island discovered by Colombus. He called it the most beautiful island he's ever seen... Many buildings downtown are built by Columbus team and still look as brand new. We guess the hurricane code was an important issue for those builders...

The country is a very popular resort both for Americans and Europeans. Most of them enjoy the tropical exotic environment inside a gated high class hotels. We tried to get an outlook of the country from outside of the tall fence...

"Live" fence around airport made with tree btranches (painted)... Good idea - it roots and grows into a hedge (see below)


Colorful Laundry

Between the road and sedewalk: deep ditch (fro tropical rain drainage). Easy to lose a wheel!

Bank buildings

Tourist Police is providing security for all visitors

A Deputy and and... an Actress

Peeling coconuts

Furniture for less: open 7 days a week


Zona Colonial

Year 1511

Here comes the fun part! Traffic, traffic rules (no such thing) and vehicles...


We haven't seen any body shops here. Everybody is a handyman himself!

Driving on the wrong way of the road: this is a common thing. When you need to go, you have to go...


Next: Dominican botany

