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What is the best shade tree that is fast growing and beautiful?

Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree flower

Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree flower

 Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree

🌳 What is the best shade tree that is fast growing and beautiful?
  • 🌸 Orchid trees that we mentioned earlier are one of the most popular shade trees in Southern gardens.
  • 🌸 Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree - is the most beautiful of all orchid trees.
  • 🌸 It has the largest flowers, brightly colored.
  • 🌸 Winter bloomer.
  • 🌸 Starts flowering in very small size, when only 2-3 ft tall.
  • 🌸 Very fast growing.

📚 Learn more: Bauhinias - trees with Orchid Flowers and Butterfly Wings
🎥 YouTube Video: Hong Kong Orchid Tree

🛒 Plant a Tree

#Quotes #Trees

🏵 TopTropicals


Shade Tree Discount Program
How to reduce an electric bill and energy costs?

Cassia fistula

Photo above: Cassia fistula - Golden Shower Tree - one of the most popular trees. This all time favorite is fast growing and elegant.

Q: How to reduce an electric bill and energy costs?

A: This summer is expected to be hot. And the next summer... and next... Want to reduce your electric bill and energy costs? There is an excellent solution: plant a shade tree! Once fully grown, these trees will help keep your house cooler and lower your energy expenses.

Today we are offering a special discount you can use for purchasing trees that will keep your homes cooler in Summer and gardens warmer in Winter!
Check out Fast Growing Shade Trees, as well as other flowering trees and fruit trees and use discount below:


Your savings with this code:
5% off orders $100+
15% off orders $150+
20% off orders $200+

Excluding S/H. Excluding 15 gal material. Exp. 6-12-24

Tabebuia tree

Photo above: Tabebuia - spectacular winter bloomer.

Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Photo above: Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree. The most beautiful of all orchid trees.

Mango trees with fruit

Photo above: Mango trees now. Many varieties are vigorous, large trees.

Cattley guava tree

Photo above: Cattley Guava Tree is an elegant solution for small spaces. Red Button French Kiss Ginger goes well with it!


One of the top 10 most impressive trees on the planet

Royal poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Delonix regia

Royal poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Delonix regia

💃 One of the top 10 most impressive trees on the planet

✍️ "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

📷 Royal poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Delonix regia - one of the most popular tropical trees covered with bright red orchid-like flowers from late winter through early summer.

"The Royal Poinciana is one of the most spectacular flowering trees in the USA, and probably among the top 10 on this planet. In full bloom, it is like a regal elephant caparisoned in red and yellow brilliance."
(Larry M. Schokman, The Kampong, National Tropical Botanic Garden)

🛒Grow your own Royal Poinciana

#Quotes #Nature_Wonders

We Grow Happiness


What orchids can be grown in the ground?

Spathoglottis Tropical Punch - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Tropical Punch - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Tropical Punch - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Epidendrum radicans - Orange Reed Ground Orchid, Sunrise

Epidendrum radicans - Orange Reed Ground Orchid, Sunrise

Spathoglottis Lemon Kiss - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Lemon Kiss - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Bletilla striata x formosana Kate - Yokohama Ground orchid

Bletilla striata x formosana Kate - Yokohama Ground orchid

Epidendrum elongatum x radicans - Lavender Reed Ground Orchid

Epidendrum elongatum x radicans - Lavender Reed Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Rainbow - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Rainbow - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Arundina graminifolia - Bamboo Orchid, Bird Ground Orchid

Arundina graminifolia - Bamboo Orchid, Bird Ground Orchid

🌸 What orchids can be grown in the ground?

Orchids have a mystique that seems to set them apart from most other flowers... they are elegant and almost unreal in their perfection... But not every gardener has luck growing traditional orchids.
  • ⚜️ Terrestrial orchids (a.k.a. ground orchids) grow in regular garden soil instead of in the air on tree branches!
  • ⚜️ Ground orchids come in many colors and shapes.
  • ⚜️ Ground orchids will be happy to bloom in sun or shade and are very easy to grow!

🎥 Watch YouTube: Ground Orchids

🛒 Order Ground Orchids

#Shade_Garden #Container_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


Why Bauhinias are called Orchid Trees: orchid flowers with butterfly wings

Bauhinia monandra - Nepoleons Plume

Bauhinia monandra - Nepoleons Plume

🦋 Why Bauhinias are called Orchid Trees: orchid flowers with butterfly wings...

Bauhinia trees have striking orchid-like flowers in hues ranging from white and pink to purple and red. The flowers boast delicate petals with intricate patterns, resembling the elegance of true orchids.

The leaves are deeply divided, typically into two lobes or halves, hence another common name "Butterfly tree" due to their resemblance to butterfly wings.

Need a fast growing, easy to care tree with beautiful blooms? Orchid trees offer quick shade solution and guarantee a spectacular winter flower show.

📚 Learn more about Orchid trees

🛒 Shop Orchid Trees


🏵 TopTropicals


Bauhinias: trees with Orchid Flowers
and Butterfly Wings...

Bauhinia variegata - Purple Orchid Tree

Photo above: Bauhinia variegata - Purple Orchid Tree, one of the most spectacular varieties.

Q: We just moved to Florida and I see these beautiful trees with large purple flowers. I was told these are Orchid trees, do you have them?

A: Bauhinias, commonly known as Orchid trees, are renowned for their captivating flowers and unique foliage. These trees typically grow to a moderate height of 15-25 feet with a spread of 10-15 feet, showcasing a rounded to vase-like shape. Thriving in hardiness zones 9-11, they exhibit resilience to heat and can withstand mild frost. There are over 300 species of Bauhinia, which are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. These species vary in characteristics such as size, foliage, and flower color, contributing to the diversity and appeal of this genus. You can find them as trees, shrubs, and even vines.

Bauhinias are evergreen (in tropics) to semi-deciduous (in cooler climates), offering year-round beauty with intermittent blooming cycles. The peak bloom time varies depending on the species and location, often occurring in late winter to early spring, bedecking the tree with striking orchid-like flowers in hues ranging from white and pink to purple and red. The flowers boast delicate petals with intricate patterns, resembling the elegance of true orchids.

One of the distinguishing features of Bauhinia leaves is their unique bi-lobed or bilobed structure, which gives them a distinct appearance. The leaves are deeply divided, typically into two lobes or halves, hence the common name "Butterfly tree" due to their resemblance to butterfly wings. This characteristic is often used as an identifying trait for Bauhinia species. The bilobed leaves add to the visual appeal of the tree, contributing to its ornamental value in addition to its beautiful flowers.

Bauhinia monandra - Napoleons plume

Photo above: Bauhinia monandra - Napoleons Plume, starts flowering in small size. This one is very beautiful but the most cold sensitive and should be grown in pots in areas with winter freeze. It will happily bloom in container!

Low-maintenance by nature, Bauhinias require minimal upkeep. Annual feeding with a balanced fertilizer enhances growth and flowering. Pruning is generally optional but can be done in late winter or spring, after flowering, to maintain shape or remove dead or damaged branches. These trees thrive in full sun, preferring well-drained soil. With their enchanting blooms and easy care requirements, Bauhinia orchid trees are a delightful addition to any landscape, and a colorful specimen for tropical winter gardens.

In addition, Orchid trees grow fast and provide excellent shade. They can make a shady spot in your garden in no time, giving relief from the hot sun. This is really valuable, especially in places where it gets very hot. So, not only are Orchid trees pretty to look at with their lovely flowers, but they're also great for keeping you cool!

Read more about Bauninias:
Bauihnias: Orchid trees with Butterfly flowers... and leaves

Bauhinia x alba (candida) - White orchid tree

Photo above: Bauhinia x alba (candida) - White orchid tree, the most cold hardy variety that can take light freeze once established.

Bauhinia purpurea - Purple Orchid Tree

Photo above: Bauhinia purpurea - Purple Orchid Tree, one of the most popular and easy trees in Southern landscapes.


Florida Starter Garden in Winter

Odontonema Firespike

Photo above: Bauhinia blakeana - Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Q: We just moved to Florida and our yard is currently just plain grass. I want to add some beautiful tropical plants, but I'm not sure where to start. Can you suggest easy-to-care-for plants that look nice in winter, preferably with flowers? Considering it's Winter time and some trees look dormant... But I can't wait to start my tropical garden!

A: Florida residents are blessed to have mild winters, and many tropical and subtropical plants enjoy this climate year around. Just be mindful of your location's specific conditions (sun-shade, wet-dry, cold sensitive or hardy). Here are some recommendations for easy-to-grow, evergreen plants that love Florida and look great even in winter. They'll establish well during cooler months, add a splash of color to your garden with their flowers, and even treat you with fruit!

Winter flowers - will bloom now!

Clerodendrum Winter Starburst
Clerodendrum Blue Butterfly
Eranthemum Blue Sage
Odontonema Firespike
Pavonia - Brazilian Candles

Odontonema Firespike

Photo above: Odontonema cuspidatum - Firespike

Fragrant Garden

Banana Magnolia
Jasminum sambac Little Duke Supreme
Vietnamese Gardenia
Nyctanthes - Parijat
Ylang Ylang vine

Gardenia (Kailarsenia) vietnamensis - Vietnamese Gardenia

Photo above: Gardenia vietnamensis - Vietnamese Gardenia

Curious unusual trees

Hong Kong Orchid Tree
Candle Tree

Parmentiera edulis - Candle Tree, Guahalote

Photo above: Parmentiera edulis - Candle Tree, Guahalote

Easy fruit

Noni Tree
Yellow Dragon Fruit Palora
Coffee Tree

Morinda citrifolia - Noni Tree

Photo above: Morinda citrifolia - Noni Tree

Great looking now:
for Shade and Indoor Garden

Calathea zebrina - Zebra Plant
Black Bat Head Lily
White Bat Head Lily
Vanilla Orchid
Reed Ground Orchid
Calathea Fuzzy Pheasant
Colocasia Mojito

Tacca nivea - White Bat Head Lily

Photo above: Tacca nivea - White Bat Head Lily


What plants are good to order in Winter?

Christmas dog and night moon with snow

Photo above: Christmas time in Ukraine (left) and Florida (right)

Q: Are there any tropical plants that will do well if I order them in Winter? We just bought a house in New Jersey with a large sunroom, and I can't wait to fill it with tropical beauties! Should I wait until Spring, or do you have something for a Winter start?

A: This is indeed a very good question, as many tropical plant collectors grow their treasures outside the tropics. The short answer is - yes! You can start filling your tropical sunroom any time of the year, but some plants are easier to deal with in Winter than others. Below are some guidelines.

Winter bloomers: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis.

1. Plants that prefer Winter shipping to avoid overheating stress:
- All plants with lush foliage such as Philodendrons, Medinilla
- Trees with fine feathery leaves such as Moringa, Jacaranda, Poinciana
- Some fruit trees sensitive to overheating during shipping: Papaya, Stawberry Tree, Starfruit (Carambola), Bilimbi.

2. Subtropical plants that are relatively cold hardy
- Fruit trees: Loquats, Olives, Avocados, Tropical Cherries: Eugenia, Malpighia, Noni (more cold hardy than you may think), Canistel.
- Flowering trees: Champaka, Tabebuia.
- All Bananas
- see all relatively cold hardy plants

3. Winter-dormant and/or deciduous plants: Adeniums, Plumerias, Gingers, Sugar Apple , Peaches and Plums, June Plum and Hog Plum.
See all deciduous/winter dormant plants.

4. Orchids, including Ground Orchids.

5. Winter flowers. Keep in mind that many tropical plants are winter bloomers, and their flowering is most profuse in Winter months, so you can enjoy the blooms right away:
Dombeya, Thunbergia, Gloxinia, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Tibouchina, Barleria, Leonotis, Clerodendrums, Chinese Hat (Holmskioldia).
See all Winter bloomers.

Winter bloomers: Clerodendrum minahasse, Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia 

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Clerodendrum minahasse, Variegated Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia fruticosa

6. Winter plant care. During Winter the daylight is shorter and temperatures are cooler.
- Reduce watering
- Use only liquid amino-acid based fertilizer Sunshine Boosters (safe to use year around)
- Monitor insects.

7. Shipping in Winter. We ship year around. However, if it gets below freezing in your area, you may use FedEx Hold location, they are temperature controlled so you don't have to worry about a box being dropped off at your cold porch outside.

8. A note for mild climate residents. Most tropical plants can be planted in the ground year around. Some ultra-tropical tender species such Chocolate tree, Ylang Ylang, or small size Mango trees can be grown in pots until Spring and planted out once chances of cold spell are gone. Until then, they can be moved indoors for cold nights.

Think outside the box and bring tropical paradise indoors during the time when we need warmth the most! Tropical plants will brighten your short winter days and help you to have truly HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Winter bloomers: Gloxinia, Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Gloxinia, Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons...


We remember 9/11. We must never forget.

9-11 American Flag and Cat

As September 11th arrives once again, our hearts are heavy with memories of the fateful day that forever changed our nation. We remember the lives lost, the heroes who emerged, and the enduring resilience of our country.
As we pay tribute to the past, we recommit ourselves to building a brighter future. Remember to focus on the beauty that surrounds us every day - the kindness of a stranger, the laughter of loved ones, the warmth of a sunrise. In these simple moments, we will find solace and inspiration.

Flamboyant tree, Royal poinciana, Delonix regia

In the Photo: Flamboyant tree, Royal poinciana, Delonix regia - one of the most popular tropical trees covered with bright red orchid-like flowers from late winter through early summer.
"The Royal Poinciana is one of the most spectacular flowering trees in the USA, and probably among the top 10 on this planet. In full bloom, it is like a regal elephant caparisoned in red and yellow brilliance." (Larry M. Schokman, The Kampong, National Tropical Botanic Garden)


ABC7 Fort Myers News:
Rare Tropical Fruit Trees at Top Tropicals

Link to YouTube Video

We received lots of orders from our customers for butterfly attracting plants after our recent ABC7 News segment about Butterfly plants. We are glad you liked the story and the plants!

Today's topic is on tropical fruit. Enjoy this quick tour and learn more about different varieties of rare tropical fruit and what can be grown in your yard. We have them all! And we can ship them to your door.

Fruit and plants introduced in the video:

Yellow Dragon fruit
Chocolate Tree

Watch the news segment by Rachel Anderson for ABC-7: Rare fruit trees at Top Tropicals.

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Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!

Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus, fruit

In the photo: Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus, the sweetest and the most flavorful rare Yellow Pitaya. The taste is said to be superior to most cactus fruits.