Capricorn Cats 12/22-1/19
By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats. With this information, one can discover the astrological traits that describe the cat, such as their independence, diva-like tendencies, sense of humor, intelligence, and more. Additionally, it's also important to consider the astrological relationship between cats and plants...
The Capricorn cat is a busy feline. They are known for climbing curtains
and scaling ladders in the garden with ease. No fear of heights here! As
they age, Capricorn cats become wise and practical, they are cautious and
consider their options before acting impulsively. It is easy to see the wheels
turning in their head when they are faced with problems. Capricorn cats take
daily necessities like grooming and litter box etiquette seriously. They are
skilled hunters, companions, bodyguards, nurses, and box-inspectors, and they
love their jobs. Similar to Capricorn humans, Capricorn cats have a love for
plants that grow outdoors in gardens or patios...
Find out the best plants for a Capricorn Cat...