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Plant Horoscope - Gemini

What is your lucky Zodiac plant?

Plant Horoscope - Gemini

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

... Gemini are very fond of plants, especially flowers. They are able to devote their lives to favorite plants, selecting new varieties, planting gardens, parks and arboretums. In addition, the planet-ruler Mercury gives them with business ability - Gemini are excellent flower merchants of any level: from flower growers who sell their plants to everyone, to wholesalers who supply their delicate fragrant goods around the world. In their house, Gemini do not keep too many plants, they have enough of those that grow outside in their nursery and garden. However, among those who nevertheless became piece of the family (exactly this way Gemini perceive their house plants), preference is given to graceful forms, pubescent and curly, like Farfugium, Monstrous epyphyllum, often carved leaves (Monstera) and plants with aroma. All these properties not only improve the physical well-being of Gemini, but also helps save the spiritual and mental balance of their contradictory but all while tender and romantic nature. Gemini don't care about common spices, they love unusual plants and especially those with a sweet scent. Their favorite aroma is rose and similar, like fragrances of Clerodendrums, Jasmines, Gardenias, Plumeria, and Brunfelsia. At critical moments sweet scents awaken them into the life!..


Plant Horoscope - Taurus

Plant Horoscope - 

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Taurus is the second astrological sign in the modern zodiac. This sign is associated with several myths and bull worship from several ancient cultures. It was the first sign of the zodiac established among the Mesopotamians, who called it "The Great Bull of Heaven"...
Taurus, like other earthly signs, refers to plants in a peculiar way. This is not to say that he does not love them, and how can he not love the grass that feeds him or trees in the shadow of which he rests during the midday hours? Yes, he loves them. Well, just need someone else to grow all these flowers and trees, someone else look after them, making sure that they are always in good condition and would be apt to give Taurus full portion of sensual pleasures!..


What is the easiest, prettiest, and most practical plant?
A plastic one?
Believe it or not, there is a different answer:

Plant of the month: Callisia Variegated Golden Tendril

Callisia fragrans x soconuscensis Melnikoff - Variegated Golden Tendril

Callisia fragrans x soconuscensis Melnikoff - Variegated Golden Tendril

An ultimate plant:
- perfect low maintenance house plant
- easy to grow
- has multiple holistic medicinal properties
- can grow fast as grownd cover
- needs almost no water
- sun or shade
- no fuss, no kidding!

This is an extremely rare variety of the European Holistic Medicinal Plant - Golden Tendril. It has showy variegated leaves and makes a beautiful houseplant on top of its medicinal value. It tolerates wide range of conditions and requires very little water; takes both bright sun or shade and is very fast growing and easy. The plant has wide medicinal use in Europe, literally every household uses this plant as a home remedies... just like Aloe Vera! According to scientific research, active biological substances from steroid group contained in this plant can struggle with any types of infections, stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens immunity and circulatory system, has a positive influence on growths and much more... some people consider it a virtual panacea. Whether it works for everybody or not, it is definitely fun to own such a legendary plant!

These are pictures of actual plants for sale!

Callisia fragrans x soconuscensis Melnikoff - Variegated Golden Tendril


Aries Zodiac lucky plants

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Confident, energetic and fearless Aries, despite a stubborn forehead and steeply bent horns, is gentle and peaceful creature. Nevertheless, upholding his ideals, he can stubbornly go to the end non plus ultra, even to sacrificial death... Lamb is considered as sacrificial animal for a reason!..
...But in everyday life Aries are fun, kind and friendly people. Yes, stubborn, of course, but light character most often directs this stubbornness to achieve their goals, make dreams come true...
...With the same perseverance and energy, Aries will grow their flowers and plants, warming under the rays of the morning sun, to the joy for all: Aries, animals, humans and all live creatures. Aries is a great gardener. Everything grows, blooms, and fruits, whatever planted. Aries can rightfully be considered the "greenest" of all Zodiac signs!...


NEW VIDEO Interview:
Sunshine Boosters Fertilizer works Magic for Plants

Sunshine Boosters youtube video

In this video our customer Kareem is sharing his experience with using Sunshine Boosters fertilizers.
How to grow bigger plants faster?
What fertilizer is organic and safe for edibles, pets and insects?
How to make your fruit and veggies juicier, sweeter and more flavorful?
What is the most efficient and economical fertilizer?
How much fertilizer to use, for how long, and when to start?
Find out now!

Sunshine Boosters YouTube video

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Join our Sunday Garden Party Today!

Saving on your favorite plants is Easy.
Easy like Sunday Morning...

It's time for our favorite day and another Easy stroll through Top Tropicals Garden with savings of

up to 50% and MORE!

Spring into Spring Garden Party
Local or Virtual

Spring has arrived! Spring signals new beginnings and nature's renewal and offers a ray of hope in a world that could really use some right now.
Today is our Spring into Spring Garden Party at our TopTropicals Garden Center in Fort Myers, Florida. Cool vendors, Live Music, Plant Clinic and 15% off all plants. If you can't join us live, come to this virtual party and you can Save 15% too! And more...

Check our event page for the latest pictures and take advantage of our savings available to you! 15% off all orders of $100 or more. Simply use the code GARDENPARTY at checkout and save!

For 15% off use code:

Min order $100 excluding S/H, exp. 3-21-22.

Exclusive offer for online guests only:
50% OFF 4 rare Kalanchoe species

As a special offer for online shoppers, we offer a flash deal of easy to grow, yet rare Kalanchoe varieties, with at instant 50% OFF for one day only! On top of that, use your GARDENPARTY 15% off coupon at checkout and make it a STEAL!

Kalanchoe synsepala Magnificent - Walking Cup Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (tetraphylla ) - Flapjacks
Kalanchoe pinnata - Hawaiian Air Plant, Bahamas Breath Plant
Kalanchoe daigremontiana - Mother of Thousands

Remember, this Easy Sunday Deal expires on Monday, 3-21-22.


A Really Fig Deal for You...

Saving on your favorite plants is Easy.
Easy like Sunday Morning...

It's time for our favorite day and another Easy stroll through Top Tropicals Garden with savings of

up to 50% and MORE!

Fig tree fruits and cat

Easy Sunday Fig Deal
50% OFF

Figs are a superfood that have been associated with health and prosperity since ancient times. Linked to Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, figs are not your typical fruit. In fact, figs are technically a collection of inverted flowers!

Figs satisfy your sweet cravings and offer a variety of health benefits including:
- reduce high blood pressure
- improve digestion
- increase bone density
- they are naturally fat-free and cholesterol-free food that is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium (Source: webmd.com).

Figs trees are easy to grow and are cold hardy subtropical fruit trees that can tolerate some hard freeze once established. They have very low water demands and require minimal care. These trees will fruit for you right away!

Beers Black
Lattarula Italian Honey
LSU Purple
Violette de Bordeaux Negronne
Yellow Longneck Honey

The trees are in 1 gal pots, ready to step up. They have well-developed root system, and are ready to fruit this year!

Actual plants for sale

Fig tree, Ficus carica

Seven Fig Deal:
6 plants at 50% off + 1 plant FREE!

Regularly $230.65
Easy Sunday Collection price $98.85
(half price plus one plant FREE)
This is savings of $131.80 per set!
Told you, that's a really Fig Deal!

Remember, this Easy Sunday Deal expires on Tuesday, 3-15-22.

Fig tree fruits


Grow Your Own Food

How to garden in South Central Florida

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

Plant horoscope: Pisces

...We are very excited about the garden season this year and feel like we have the best chance yet of producing some nice veggies since we have been here. I sure hope so as there is nothing better than fresh food from your own garden. If you are not growing your own fruits and vegetables, I would recommend that you give it a try...
...When we lived in Indiana, we had a nice little garden in front of our house and we also had about a half acre planted with tomatoes, potatoes, squashes of all kinds, corn, popcorn, pumpkins, and many other veggies...
...Since my wife and I moved to Florida in 2019, we have continued growing our own vegetable garden. Now, I must say that it has been quite the experience trying to learn when to plant things here in south central Florida. It seems that the summer sun can be so hot that even plants like tomatoes, that love the heat, can't survive?...
Based on our experience, here are some secrets how to do it right...


Top Tropicals: Learn more about this subject



What are your Lucky Zodiac plants? Plant Horoscope - Pisces

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Plant horoscope: Pisces

...As the endless diversity of fish in Earth's reservoirs, the characters of those born under this sign of the Zodiac, are also incomprehensible. That is why compiling a horoscope for this sign is especially difficult. The main feature of Pisces is movement and unpredictability, which depends even not on themselves, but rather on external influences. Unlike other water signs, Pisces do not live on the surface, their world is there, in the water space...


Top Tropicals: Learn more about this 

Magnolia virginiana (Vanilla Magnolia) plant horoscope Pisces sign


Top Tropicals Team in Ukraine

Top Tropicals Research tem: Fedor 

The tragedy hits quite close to home for Top Tropicals as we have a number of friends and associates who are currently in the Ukraine. These kind and hardworking people have contributed significantly to the success of Top Tropicals, most specifically our line of Sunshine Boosters fertilizers...
Top Tropicals has a research and development center in Ukraine. Where we develop SB plant fertilizer and number of new and exciting products, including Carefree Garden Complete Greenhouse/Grow Room Controller...

Our Ukrainian Team members are:

Fedor Shabliy - a brilliant chemist. Under his supervision the Sunshine Boosters series was developed, and then tested by local farmers in the Ukraine.
Oksana Shabliy (chemist)
Anton Tkachenko (mechanical and electronic engineer)
Roman Bidyuk (software developer)
Igor Kayun (software developer)
Igor Sushelnitsky (software and electronic engineer)
Olga Ozerova (project manager)
They have families, kids...


Top Tropicals Ukraine Research tem

Top Tropicals: Learn more about this subject

Ukraine 2022: Protecting windows from shuttering

Cardboard window shutters to protect against broken glass...

Sunshine Boosters Special

With all this in mind, we are earmarking a percentage of all Sunshine Booster sales for this team of friends to aid in their living expenses and full recovery. In order to give back to our team in Ukraine, we are offering the following Sunshine Boosters Garden Series items at a discounted price:

Your purchase helps support Ukraine!

Sunshine C-Cibus 1 gallon
Sunshine Mango Tango 1 gallon
Sunshine Megaflor 1 gallon
Sunshine Robusta 1 gallon
Currently priced at 33% off reg price!

In addition, we will also donate $5.00 from each purchase to help Support Ukraine.

Spring is the time to fertilize and all of you will be getting some food for your plants. So get your plants Sunshine Boosters - the Fertilizer that Works, developed in Ukraine. Help us to support our Ukrainian Research Team! As always, we appreciate the support of our loyal community of Top Tropicals customers and enthusiasts.

Top Tropicals: Shop our online 