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Musa ensete Maurelli - Red Abyssinian Banana

by Onika Amell, tropical plant expert

Q: I am looking for a colorful, tropical plant with in particular, coarser texture, to add to planting beds next to my decks and around my swimming pool. Any suggestions? I am located in St. Petersburg, FL.

A: Consider incorporating some fast growing Red Abyssinian Banana, also known as wild banana or Ethiopian banana. This is a fantastic ornamental from East Africa and an excellent choice to create a tropical feel and to add coarse-textured foliage. This plant is not a true banana and therefore does not produce any edible fruit. American gardeners were rather slow to discover this enormous perennial, but finally woke up to them over the last decade to a point where they now are considered to be one the most beautiful ornamental banana plants for the landscape and for good reason...



Cold protection of tropical container plants

Q: I am long time customer of yours, I live in San Diego California and while the summer and Fall temperatures are warm to mild, the winter temperatures dip to a point where some tropicals die off. We are experimenting with different variations of way to heat and insulate the pots we have the tropicals planted in as a way to keep them alive during the colder winter months. I was wondering if you knew of the ideal soil temperature for these tropical in order to look their best year round. All of the heaters we have installed have thermostats and temperature adjustments so we can now keep the soil anywhere between a range of between 65-75 degrees. Any advise you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

A: This is a very interesting concept you are working with. Indeed, keeping pots/roots warm, may help a lot! We've been experimenting with cold protection for a long time - for the above-ground plant parts. For sure keeping roots protected (even with a thick layer of mulch) will benefit tropical plants during winter. In case with container plants, this may help dramatically.
The guideline is, tropical plants slow down or stop their metabolism at 65F. As long as you can keep soil above that temperature - this should work great. Of course, the higher the better.
Optimum temperature for growing tropical plants in general - 70-85F. Above 90F, metabolism stops too, unless it's a heat tolerant, desert plant.

More information on winter cold protection of tropical plants and zone pushing:

Greenhouse in Virginia
Plumeria cold protection
Ghost Cold Protection
Seven rules of cold protection for tropicals
About Cold Protection
Cold protection - winter action for your plant collection
Tropical Treasures articles on zone pushing.


Fall Garden Festival @ TopTropicals

- Amazing Momentos -

The biggest Garden Event in TopTropicals history just happened! (and bigger event yet to come!)
Fall Garden Festival on Saturday 11/21/20 was a blast! We had so many amazing vendors with cool, sunny, happy products.
We would like to thank everyone who brought their arts, crafts, and their LOVE to our gardens, and to all the guests who really enjoyed the show! As always, Pros and Congas live jazz set a tropical tune to the day. Please come again to our future events and share your talents with the World!

Special thanks to our vendors:

Izzy Baquerizo - Graphic Artist (Fort Myers)
Tony Campo Gallery
Homegrown - tropical oils, creams and blends by Rebekah Bunting
Sara's Stowers Jewelry - Resin and Clay Jewelry (Naples)
Kelsey's Treasure - Macrame & Wire Jewelry (Fort Myers)
Cinthya Celeste - with her Moonlight Gypsy Tarot Card Readings
Twain's Tye Dye @asmrdotcommunity @twains.tyedye (Spark Twain)
Elijam Adams - Hoop Flow (St. Petersburg, FL)
See all participants with links to their businesses

See more photos of the event >>

Moonlight Gypsy Tarot Card Readings

Sara's Stowers Jewelry - Resin and Clay Jewelry (Naples)

Rebekah Bunting with Homegrown - tropical oils, creams and blends

Kelsey's Treasure - Macrame & Wire Jewelry (Fort Myers)

King - the Star of the Show


Chorisia speciosa - Exotic Pink Silk Floss Tree

by Onika Amell, tropical plant expert

When I stumbled upon my first Pink Silk Floss tree at the Naples Botanical Garden in Florida, it stopped me in my tracks. It was in full bloom and one of the most beautiful flowering trees I had ever laid my eyes upon. This tree has so much wow factor. Not only are the flowers of this native from the Amazon Rain Forest in South America spectacular, but the trunk, seeds and attractive, umbrella-like crown makes it exceptionally unique and interesting. This tree will stand out in any garden....



The truth about Sensational Monstera Thai Constellation

"Nothing's making sense anymore. It's gotten out of control"

Painting above: "Thai Constellation Monstera deliciosa" with acrylic paint on textured background by Audrey Ehlinger - participant of the 2020 Tropical Plant Art Contest

Variegated Monstera... Now that this Sensational plant deserves even its own works of art, it is time to admit: this beauty is probably one of the most surprising phenomena in the history of rare plant industry.

Many plant collectors noticed the craziness around this unusual variegated cultivar of Monstera deliciosa - Thai Constellatio. Top Tropicals was the first plant nursery that originally introduced this variety into the US tropical plant market a few years ago. Since then, popularity of this plant went above and beyond any expectations. Everybody wants this plant! Yet it is nearly impossible to propagate, with the only somewhat successful method as Tissue Culture. Besides, in order to create a viable batch, one must use cells from the stem only. Considering this plant grows about 2 inches a year (in favorable conditions), this leaves us with very limited propagation material... Who can sacrifice their unique mature plant for a knife of a propagator? Let us know if you have any extra you can share ;)

No wonder very quickly Thai Constellation had become a commodity plant, or even better - an asset compared by some people to a real estate bubble... Some collectors sell cuttings for $2,000 each. People pay up to $250 per leaf of this plant... Crazy? Maybe. But being rare plant collectors, we all know the feeling! Check out this article:

It's Better Than The Stock Market: A Massive Bubble Is Forming In The Rare Plant Market...

Thai Constellation available for sale:

The good news is - we have a few plants. They are in 4" pots. Small, but well-established. The price is not cheap. It is what it is - this is what it costs us to obtain these plants from Thailand. This is the last batch for a long while, no more available even at this price, since the growers can't find enough propagation material to satisfy the market. Next batch expected from tissue culture is probably 2022. We have over 400 customers on wish list for this plant.If you really NEED IT, order right now!

3-years old Monstera Thai Constelation from Top Tropicals personal collection


Tropical Plant Art Contest:
we counted all the votes!

Painting above: 3rd place: "Tropical Florida" by Linda Hedary

"WOW! So many great works! Our followers certainly have a GREAT collective talent! Makes me so proud!" - a quote from TopTropicals Art Jury member, artist Mark Hooten.

Now that the whole country in in competition mode, gardeners are no exception! Every painting is a work of art and it was hard for the Jury to make the decision. We counted in all the votes that came in by the deadline ;)
Finally, we are happy to announce the winners of the Plant Art Contest!. Visit our 2020 Tropical Plant Art Contest Page on our website and see all participant entries, winners and their prizes!

See all Winners! >>

All winners will be contacted by us via email or Facebook within a few days for their prizes. If you haven't heard from us by 11/9/20, please contact us with the subject "Tropical Plant Art Contest" and your shipping information. You may also simply reply to this email, just make sure to set the proper subject.
A few entries came late, pass deadline/voting, keep up with the great artwork and don't miss the next contest submission!

Thank you to all the amazing plant lovers who shared your artwork and talents with us. So much creativity and beauty for everyone to enjoy! Happy painting, and stay updated - new contest will be coming soon!

Painting above: "Hibiscus Wish" by Santhoshi Kavali

Painting above: "Mussaenda Marmelade" - Watercolor by Sally Gawler (Audience Appreciation Prize)

Painting above: "Purple Passion" by Joan Maier. Joan's painting "Butterfly" is the 1st place winner (see Contest page)


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

How to keep bugs away naturally?

Q: I started moving my tropical plant collection indoors as it's getting colder... And all of a sudden, I noticed bugs on leaves! I know for sure all my plants were bug-free when I kept the pots outside in my lanai. What happened? And how can I keep them clean and healthy without using any harsh chemicals? I have many edibles and herbs that I use in my cooking and prefer to stay away from insecticides. Any suggestions?

A: It is very common when healthy looking plants, once moved indoors for the winter, get insect infestations. The main reason is change of environment that puts a plant into stress and makes it susceptible to parasites and diseases. Just think about what a plant is missing, a whole combination of necessary conditions that provided a good life:
- Bring light -> light level reduced, so beneficial UV spectrum is gone
- Air circulation -> less wind = more bugs thriving
- Warm temperature -> from upper 80's in summer to 70's in your AC room
- Air humidity -> although humid air is believed to be causing some issues (for example fungus), however, reducing humidity overall puts a plant into stress and makes it more vulnerable.

Many gardener prefer to avoid chemicals, especially when it comes to treating edible plants and indoor collections. The solution to your problems is - Organic Solution!

SUNSHINE NoBug - Natural Plant Protector.
Shampoo for Plants - for both indoors and garden

SUNSHINE NoBug - is a natural solution to keep your plants healthy and bug-free without harsh chemicals. It is great for organic gardening and edibles, eco-safe and non-toxic for humans and pets. It kills, repels and prevents: spider-mites, mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids and many more. No wait time required - spray and play! And it smells like jasmine, forget stinky insecticides!
How does it work? Just look at these ingredients: Kosher Glycerine, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Palm Oil, Oat Protein, Organic Soap, Horticultural Oil, Jasmine Oil, Water. Yum! But bugs hate it - they suffocate in it! This is why your plants will have NO BUGS with NoBug, that's it!

Directions are simple:

- Mix 100 ml (3-4 oz) with 1 qt (32 oz) of water, or 500 ml (16 oz) in 1 gal of water - for larger applications
- Spray foliage to drip point, including underneath leaves.
- Repeat the treatment in 7 days.
- As a preventive care, spray leaves once a month to keep insects away.
- You may use a paper towel saturated with this solution to wipe the leaves and remove residue from insects.
- Store at room temperature.

This poor Pepper plant was tossed into garbage can by a neighbor... it looked hopeless, infested with mealybugs. We saved it with NoBug ! In 2 days it perked up, and after 4 weeks its healthy and fruiting!


Shipping Tropical Plants Worldwide

Q: We are very interested in introducing frost-hardy avocado varieties into Switzerland. We would really, really like to have our own avocados in our garden. And we believe that the plants have a large sales market here. Do you see a way to send some plants to Switzerland? Which varieties would you recommend, which are the cold-hardiest?

A: Yes, we do ship plants all over the world, including Europe. For basic information on international shipping, please refer to these guidelines. Shipping plants internationally is a bit complex procedure, however we have over 17 years experience with that and you came to the right place. For a quote on shipping cost and to make sure you get all the necessary paperwork, contact our international department direct number 239-771-8082 or email us .

Regarding your questions about Avocado varieties:
First, please take a look at Cold hardy Avocado varieties guide pdf file. The most cold hardy varieties like Brazos Belle, Fantastic, Joey, Lila, Poncho, Winter Mexican - can take short period of light freeze as long as they well established. This means, for the first year or two you need to protect them from freeze. Keep in mind that if you have hard freeze every night for several weeks, then even cold-hardy Avocados must be grown with cold protection. It is possible to do by creating a greenhouse/conservatory around plants in the ground, see example from one of our customers in Virginia. Even better - grow them in large pots. This way plants will be easier to handle and move around as needed. See the photo above of avocado production in pots.


The best Loquat varieties with big, sweet fruit

Q: I'm interested in loquat and read through the varieties you offer but wanted your recommendation. I'm looking for a variety that is big, sweet (not tart) with 1 seed. Of the varieties you offer... Which variety would you recommend?

A: From our experience, the most popular Loquat variety is Christmas. It is an early ripening type hence the name Christmas. Fruits are very large for a loquat, they are bright yellow with a tangy apricot flavor.
Another good variety we recommend is Yehuda - it has a large fruit and very small seed Also, variety Oliver for many years has been considered the best loquat for South Florida. The fruiting season is March to May. It has medium to large fruit. The fruit is very sweet with only one-two seeds.
Loquats are very cold hardy tropical fruit trees, easy to grow, drought tolerant, fast growing. Fruit is great for eating fresh or making jam.

Check them out while they are on sale!


Tropical Paintings by Olena Light

Talent Introduction

Exotic flowers, amazing tropical birds, cats and even portraits... all look alive by Olena Light

Check out Olena's page and her private collection of exclusive art that TopTropicals is honored to have especially for you, Tropical Garden connoisseurs, at introductory price. Hurry up, Olena is getting famous!..