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Date: 12 Dec 2018, Entry id: 1544599562-2

Plants which are family members

By Mark Hooten, the Garden Whiz
...Perhaps approaching the New Years Season makes me appreciate the plant people I've known. It also made me take stock of the great plants I've had for the longest time. Doing so, I've come to realize that I care for over a handful of potted plants which I have owned for a number of decades. This Euphorbia decaryi is one of them... Read the story...
...I wonder about other folks' special plants which they have kept for so long they seem like family members. So I ask any of our online friends to send us images and the brief history of some special plant which they have cared for and loved for a LONG TIME! You know, heirloom type plants. We would love to share stories and pictures of these special plants with others!..

Check out our Euphorbias...