Cross section of Pouteria sapota fruit The fruit has delicious bright orange soft flesh, sweet and pumpkin-like in flavor. The Mamey fruit is eaten fresh, in milk shakes and ice cream.
By far the Key West (Pantin) is the Island favorite,... more
Mamey Sapote tree Key West (Pantin), Grafted (Pouteria sapota)
By far the Key West (Pantin) is the Island favorite, with a dark reddish-orange flesh, round in shape and is much sweeter than the Magana. It originates in Florida. It produces medium size fruit (15-40 oz, mid-late season. Flesh is pink to red, fiberless, excellent quality, contains 1 seed. The tree is tall. Ripening season - late summer through December. A unique fruit with an interior texture that is both creamy and sweet, the vibrant salmon-colored flesh of the Pantin mamey sapote is unlike anything most people have ever tasted. The flavor is a combination of sweet potato and pumpkin with undertones of almond, chocolate, honey, and vanilla. The ovoid, medium-large fruit has a large center pit, similar to an avocado. This superior mamey sapote cultivar was discovered growing near a fire station in Key West, Florida. The seeds of this tree were believed to come from Cuba by way of 19th century dissidents who left the island at that time. The tree was originally called the Key West mamey sapote until it was selected and propagated by Eugenio Pantin in the early 1950s. The story goes that a Cuban emigrant named Josefina Jimenez smuggled three mamey seeds into the US in her brassiere and gave them to Pantin, who grew them as seedling rootstocks, onto which he grafted budwood of the Key West mamey tree. Pantin then proceeded to plant a small commercial orchard in Miami-Dade County, Florida. After his death in 1963, Eugenio's son, Donald, took over the family business, and nurseryman, Lawrence Zill, who had recognized the potential of Eugenio's prized cultivar, named it the Pantin mamey sapote. Today, Pantin represents about 95 percent of the mamey sapotes produced on some 350 acres under cultivation in southern Florida.
7 gal pot. More developed root system, thicker trunk and branches. Plant height depends on growing season and variety. Dwarf varieties are slow growers and may be shorter. Contact us for exact size description if size/height matters to you. 7 gal plants may be shipped separately from other items by Ground service due to large size. See here time in transit (business days, excluding Sat-Sun!)
Magana originated from El Salvador. Excellent flavor,... more
Mamey Sapote tree Magana, Grafted (Pouteria sapota)
Magana originated from El Salvador. Excellent flavor, Cuban favorite. Extra large fruit, early season. Fruit has rough, brown skin, red to orange pulp. National fruit of Cuba. Var. Magana is a compact grower, can be grown in container, good for small yard.