Hoya 'Ban Ngong Ngoy' - video

Hoya 'Ban Ngong Ngoy'
Family: Apocynaceae    (Formerly:Asclepiadaceae)
Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae
Origin: Eastern Asia
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeModerate waterRed, crimson, vinous flowersFragrant plant
Hoya 'Ban Ngong Ngoy'
Strong, vigorous, fast-growing species, similar to Hoya carnosa.

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Hoya Ban Ngong Ngoy

This Thailand species has a lovely light fragrance with a strong and vigorous growth habit similar to Hoya carnosa. The umbel of flowers is about 3" wide and boasts tiny maroon stars with white frosted edges. The leaves are dark green with silver white flecks and darker accented green veining. It's a strong grower that likes to ramble so provide support with a trellis or stake to help manage its wandering ways.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
10 Plants in stock