Ursulaea macvaughii, Ursulaea

Ursulaea macvaughii

Family: Bromeliaceae
Origin: Mexico
Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterBlue, lavender, purple flowersWhite, off-white flowers

Ursulaea (Ursulaea macvaughii) is a large plant native to Mexico that can grow up to 5-10ft tall. Its leaves are narrow and flexible and can range from blue-green to light purple. Flowers are white to off-white and are produced in small clusters.

Ursulaea is most commonly grown in USDA growing zones 9-11. It prefers a sunny location with some semi-shade and requires regular water. If grown in a container in colder climates, it should be brought inside during winter months to prevent frost damage. It should be kept in an area with moderate watering and a well drained soil. To prune it, remove dead leaves and any wayward branches in the spring or early summer. For colder climates, it should be brought inside during winter months. It can be an attractive addition to any landscape with its narrow leaves that range from blue-green to purple and its off-white to white clusters of flowers.

Ursulaea macvaughii, Ursulaea

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