Salvia sp.
Garden SageFamily: Lamiaceae
USDA Zone: 5-10?

Salvia sp. (Garden Sage) is a small shrub reaching 2-5 ft in height and is grown in USDA Zones 5-10 depending on species. The less hardy types are usually grown as annuals. It blooms in a variety of colors including pink, white, off-white, blue, lavender, purple, red, crimson, vinous and yellow or orange. Many are very aromatic and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Garden Sage is an ethnomedical plant that is adapted to full sun, partial shade and require either regular or moderate water. It is generally cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time, so it is preferable to grow this plant in a pot in cooler climates. Garden Sage requires only minimal maintenance for the longest bloom season. Deadheading the spent flowers will encourage continued bloom and dividing the plant every 2-3 years will help keep it healthy and vigorous. By following these simple tips, you will enjoy the beauty and fragrance of Garden Sage for many years to come.
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