Gustavia augusta, also known as Heaven Lotus, is a stunning, small tropical tree from Brazil that looks like it stepped right out of a tropical paradise. Its spectacular, fragrant flowers resemble lotus blooms and are as beautiful as they are unique. These large, striking flowers have white and pink petals, and their sweet fragrance is so captivating that the central crown almost looks good enough to eat!
The tree features a straight, often unbranched trunk with a single cluster of large leaves at the top, giving it a palm-like appearance. As it matures, it may sprout a few large branches, each with its own leafy crown. The leaves are huge - no other tree around has leaves quite as large, except perhaps a palm. They're long, narrow at the base, and broad at the top, making them a real showstopper.
The tree also bears rounded, pear-shaped fruit directly on the trunk (a fascinating trait called cauliflory). The fruit contains delicious yellowish-orange pulp that can be boiled and is said to resemble meat in taste. The tree's wood is used in construction, and its leaves, when boiled into a decoction, are believed to cure intoxication.
This rare and exciting tree is a true gem for collectors and can even be grown in containers, making it an exceptional addition to any tropical garden!
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