Dodecatheon meadia, Shooting Star, Pride of Ohio, Roosterheads, Prairie Pointers

Dodecatheon meadia

Shooting Star, Pride of Ohio, Roosterheads, Prairie Pointers
Family: Primulaceae
Origin: North America
Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeFull sunRegular waterBog or aquatic plantBlue, lavender, purple flowersWhite, off-white flowersPink flowers

Dodecatheon are summer-dormant herbaceous perennials with basal rosettes of simple leaves and erect or arching stems bearing umbels of cyclamen-like flowers with strongly reflexed petals. The flowers can range from purplish, through pinks to white with cone-shaped, purple stamens and pistils.

Native habitat: Open woods and glades, rocky wooded slopes, dry to wet meadows and prairies. Prefers a moist to wet site.

Excellent for a waterside planting, but adaptable to rich border conditions or the woodland garden. They are also good for alpine houses.

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