Dischidia platyphylla, Dischidia

Dischidia platyphylla

Family: Apocynaceae    (Formerly:Asclepiadaceae)
Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae
Origin: Phillipine Islands
Semi-shadeShadeModerate waterEpiphyte plantOrnamental foliage

Growing to 6-feet long, this climbing vine has many thin, twining branches. The leaves are opposite, and some foliage is small, greyish-green, and oval. They also have food storage leaves that are larger, and kidney shaped. Buff colored flowers grow to 1/8-inch in diameter. These blooms are shaped like water pitchers, and occur in the leaf axils. Fresh seed or cuttings can be used to start this plant. Keep this species in a heated, moist greenhouse in cool climates as it is a drought, and frost tender plant.It grows in rainforests, and only grows as an epiphyte.

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