Croton sylvaticus, Forest Fever Berry, Woodland Croton

Croton sylvaticus

Forest Fever Berry, Woodland Croton
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Origin: South Africa
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.Subtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time

Large bushy shrub or a small size tree with dense, light green, fine foliage. It has been used medicinally in South East Asia for ages. The root of the plant is a remedy for indigestion whereas the bark is used for chest problems and rheumatism. Young plants are very susceptible to damage from frosts and cold winds, and they must be sheltered against extremes for at least the first 2-3 years, wherafter they can withstand mild frosts.

If the trees are to be planted in a typically cold area, they will require a sunny, sheltered spot, preferably behind a screen, wall or in the wake of larger trees.

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