Aroid Adelonema pallidinervium is a rare member of the Araceae family. Adelonema are very similar to Homalomena, but are found in South America instead of Southeast Asia.
Because it poses a risk of burning the foliage, they cannot endure direct sunshine. However, bright diffused light is required for variegated forms in order to preserve the ornamental pattern of the leaves. High humidity is required for this species. However, they dislike being sprayed because doing so will cause fungal infections on the foliage.
It has an underground stem that grows approx. 10cm deep into the ground and then spreads laterally. These lateral shoots emerge from the soil at a relatively short distance from the mother plant and form new plants. It forms small, dense stands of plants.
Adelonema does best in a moist, warm terrarium and prefers a humidity of 60% or more. If you can offer it these conditions indoors, it can also be cultivated as a fairly problem-free houseplant.