Sorghum bicolor, Great Millet, Broomcorn, Milo

Sorghum bicolor

Great Millet, Broomcorn, Milo
Family: Poaceae
Origin: Africa
USDA Zone: 8-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall plant 2-5 ftFull sunModerate waterEdible plantSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time

A grass species cultivated for its grain, which is used for food for humans, animal feed, and ethanol production. Sorghum originated in Africa, and is now cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical regions. Sorghum is the worlds fifth-most important cereal crop after rice, wheat, maize, and barley. Sorghum grain is gluten free, high in resistant starch, and more abundant and diverse phenolic compounds compared to other major cereal crop.

Sorghum bicolor, Great Millet, Broomcorn, Milo
Sorghum bicolor, Great Millet, Broomcorn, Milo. Sorghum bicolor. The grains of Sorghum bicolor can vary in color, including white, yellow, red, brown, and even black.
Sorghum bicolor
The grains of Sorghum bicolor can vary in color, including white, yellow, red, brown, and even black.

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Sorghum bicolor - Great Millet, Broomcorn, Milo

A grass species cultivated for its grain, which is used for food for humans, animal feed, and ethanol production. Sorghum originated in Africa, and is now cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical regions. Sorghum is the worlds fifth-most important cereal crop after rice, wheat, maize, and barley. Sorghum grain is gluten free, high in resistant starch, and more abundant and diverse phenolic compounds compared to other major cereal crop.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is not certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Arizona More info
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot