Pereskia aculeata, Barbados Gooseberry, Lemon Vine, Tsunya, Perescia
Pereskia aculeata

Pereskia aculeata

Barbados Gooseberry, Lemon Vine, Tsunya, Perescia
Family: Cactaceae
Origin: Caribbean and South America, escaped in Central America to Florida
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge shrub 5-10 ft tallVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterWhite, off-white flowersThorny or spinyEdible plantPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeSeaside, salt tolerant plant

A cactus shrub with a tendency to vine, it bears spines in pairs or trios. The berry is small, yellow with a juicy, subacid pulp. The flavor is pleasant and is used fresh or preserved. The leaves may be cooked as greens. Propagated by seed or cutting. Growth Habits: Climbing shrub, up to 20 feet tall (6 m), 1 to 3 short hooked spines, sometimes longer straight spines on older stems, leaves with short petioles, up to 4 inches long (10 cm.)Enjoys some humidity in the air. Needs good drainage, but the soil should stay moist in summer. Keep drier in winter. See Cacti page info

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Pereskia (Perescia) aculeata - Barbados Gooseberry

Barbados Gooseberry - unique cactus with leaves and edible fruit, fast-growing vine.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot, large plant
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