Dendrobium lindleyi, Dendrobium aggregatum, Dendrobium

Dendrobium lindleyi, Dendrobium aggregatum

Family: Orchidaceae
Origin: Southeast Asia
Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeModerate waterEpiphyte plantYellow, orange flowers

A native to Southeast Asia, Dendrobium lindleyi is a small plant, growing to a maximum of 2-5 feet. It requires semi-shade and moderate water. Its growth is an epiphyte, meaning it grows on a host plant, rather than in soil. It can bloom several times throughout the year, bearing flowers in colors of yellow, orange, and even brown. It is well adapted to subtropical climates and can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 9-11.

When it comes to growing Dendrobium lindleyi, it is important to know that it is a short-day or winter-blooming plant. During the day, the temperature should range from 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit, while at night it should be around 50-60 degrees. Watering should be moderated, as the plant can rot if too much is given. Fertilizing should be done monthly, using a well-balanced plant fertilizer.

For those who live in colder regions, it is still possible to grow Dendrobium lindleyi in a pot, but that does require some extra care. The potting mix should be well aerated and have good drainage. This is particularly important for orchids, as they need well-draining soil. It is also important to not let the potting mix dry out completely. During the summer months, provide bright but indirect sunlight and water sparingly. In winter, move the pot to a slightly cooler area and reduce the frequency of watering. This will enable the plant to go dormant and rest. It does not require any pruning or shaping either, just enough water, nutrients, and sunlight for it to thrive.

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Dendrobium lindleyi, Dendrobium aggregatum, Dendrobium

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